Open ajitdas123 opened 2 years ago
I am trying to load the image picked by the camera into Gl editor but its showing black. Here is example of my code
const t = {uri:"content://media/external/images/media/148757"}; // Local storage file path from the camera <Surface style={{width: 250, height: 250}}> <Node shader={shaders.sharpen} uniforms={{ factor, resolution: [250, 250], t, }} /> </Surface>
shaders Config:
const shaders = Shaders.create({ sharpen: { frag: GLSL` precision highp float; varying vec2 uv; uniform sampler2D t; uniform float factor; uniform vec2 resolution; void main() { float test = factor; vec2 step = 1.0 / resolution; vec3 texA = texture2D( t, uv + vec2(-step.x, -step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb; vec3 texB = texture2D( t, uv + vec2( step.x, -step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb; vec3 texC = texture2D( t, uv + vec2(-step.x, step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb; vec3 texD = texture2D( t, uv + vec2( step.x, step.y) * 1.5 ).rgb; vec3 around = 0.25 * (texA + texB + texC + texD); vec3 center = texture2D( t, uv ).rgb; vec3 col = center + (center - around) * factor; gl_FragColor = vec4(col, 1.0); } ` } });
This doesn't work, but if I change the URL to some website image URL for example
const t = {uri: ""}
It was expected to render the image as it renders for an external URL
But it just shows a black screen
I am trying to load the image picked by the camera into Gl editor but its showing black. Here is example of my code
shaders Config:
This doesn't work, but if I change the URL to some website image URL for example
Expected behavior
It was expected to render the image as it renders for an external URL
Actual behavior
But it just shows a black screen