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webhook not work #1211

Closed a1mersnow closed 7 months ago

a1mersnow commented 7 months ago

Here is my settings of GitHub webhook:

image image

When a release is created, released, published, it will send three requests:


However, the last one always failed.

And, there is no error message telling me why:



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Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 11:55:36 GMT
Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
X-Request-Id: 03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603
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JasonBarnabe commented 7 months ago
F, [2023-11-20T11:55:36.696751 #1280047] FATAL -- : [03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603]   
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] RuntimeError (fatal: Path 'aliyundrive-rename.user.js' does not exist in '0.2.5'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] lib/git.rb:10:in `block (2 levels) in get_contents'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] lib/git.rb:8:in `each'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] lib/git.rb:8:in `block in get_contents'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] lib/git.rb:36:in `with_repo'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] lib/git.rb:7:in `get_contents'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] app/controllers/concerns/webhooks.rb:140:in `process_webhook_changes'
[03263401-6183-401d-b88a-c79be953d603] app/controllers/users_controller.rb:143:in `webhook'
JasonBarnabe commented 7 months ago

It's expecting to find the file in git. It's doing git show 0.2.5:aliyundrive-rename.user.js, but looking at your repo, that file exists only as an attachment to the release and is not in git itself.

JasonBarnabe commented 7 months ago

I've made a change so that you get a better message in this scenario.

I'm not sure what exactly to do here though... The expected input is a URL on GitHub that can be translated to a path in a GitHub repo. Maybe it needs to detect if something is a release URL and if so, just download it from the release path?

a1mersnow commented 7 months ago

First of all, the script is a compilation result, the /dist dir shouldn't be commited to the git.

I think you can directly download the script from the "sync url" I have configed in the website when the webhook request hit the website server.


Sorry, I don't known ruby language so I can't compose a PR.

cyfung1031 commented 7 months ago

@a1mersnow see

you must place your user.js in the file tree, not in the release.

You can refer , and to get the idea.

Screen Shot 2023-11-25 at 21 04 36
a1mersnow commented 7 months ago

This is a push solution.

For anyone who want to know how to setup webhook for release, you can refer to my repo, I wrote a release script for this.