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Webhook syncing won't work #1253

Closed adamlui closed 1 month ago

adamlui commented 1 month ago

I wanted to change the (working) webhook for

from: to: I took these steps:

  1. "Turn off syncing for this script"
  2. Added as auto-sync src
  3. "Update and sync now"

The sync occurred, as shown in script History and /users/webhook-info:


Then I added a webhook to


Then I made a new push to test things out, but the users/webhook-info page oddly still displays "Automatic syncing"


adamlui commented 1 month ago

The Recent Deliveries tab shows that commit was delivered, I even tried redelivering but /users/webhook-info still shows "Automatic syncing" and script History doesn't show the update (w/ description "Removed unicode from meta")


adamlui commented 1 month ago

Also auto-syncing stopped working too for my last update

No matter how many times I click 'Update and sync now' it keeps insisting 'Script successfully synced, but no changes found.'

but this line on GitHub:

config.assetHostURL = config.gitHubURL.replace('', '') + '@16d188e/' outdated on GF:

config.assetHostURL = config.gitHubURL.replace('', '') + '@d845801/'
adamlui commented 1 month ago

There was an update of a few lines few mins before this that successfully synced when clicking 'Update and sync now' though

adamlui commented 1 month ago

I just made a new update to meta and then clicking 'Update and sync now' worked this time (also pulling in the config.assetHostURL update that didn't sync prior)

JasonBarnabe commented 1 month ago

Are you still having any problems with webhooks?

adamlui commented 1 month ago

@JasonBarnabe only this one but I will disconnect and reconnect after I eat and see if it fixes it

JasonBarnabe commented 1 month ago

Please post the request/response from the webhook.

adamlui commented 1 month ago

Sure I just updated 1min ago

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JasonBarnabe commented 1 month ago

The problem is that you've provided the URL, which is GitHub's HTML view of the file, rather than the raw JS URL Using the HTML URL worked in some cases, but not for webhooks.

I've updated the code to automatically switch the URL to the raw JS URL when setting up syncing. Since yours is already set up, you just need to update the URL for it to work.

adamlui commented 1 month ago

Why not make it work for webhooks? I believe it worked in some cases because I pointed out this was beneficial in the past and you made some update (so I assumed it worked with webhooks)

JasonBarnabe commented 1 month ago

It does work now (by automatically switching to the correct URL) - that is what my code update did.

You just need to additionally update the URL because your setting existed before I made this update.

adamlui commented 1 month ago

Never mind I see you are making it work the beneficial way, but I can't find where to update URL

adamlui commented 1 month ago

There's no way to edit webhooks once created, I had to go to script page, "Turn off syncing" to get webhook to disappear from, go to GitHub repo > Settings > Webhooks, delete GF webhook, confirm, Add webhook, fill in payload URL, update content-type, fill in secret, Add webhook, and even then it's unclear what is the URL it's going to try to sync with