greatbit / quack

Web Based Test Management System
Apache License 2.0
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Browser does not get quack login page using standalone configuration #252

Closed bobbeck55 closed 1 year ago

bobbeck55 commented 1 year ago

Now I am trying to start up quack and mongodb using the instructions in Quack appears to start up and connect to mongodb. However, the quack login page does not display when I point my browser to http://localhost. The nginx startup page is displayed. Should I configure /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf and /etc/nginx/conf.d/quack.conf to point to the quack app using "proxy_pass" ? If so, can you list the changes or tell me how to start quack on another port than 80 ? The config and log files are attached. PLEASE HELP. jetty9 is not running, nginx is running

mongod.conf.txt [mong quack_cmdline.txt odb

quack.log.txt .c quack.conf.txt


mongodb.log.txt mdline.txt](

azee commented 1 year ago

I'll update README a bit.

For now: QuAck logs state the following: mongod: Temporary failure in name resolution

Try replacing mongo.replicaSet=mongod:27017 in your local property files to localhost:27017 in example are meant to work in docker compose, where mongo domain is "mongod" in private dcker VPC.

If you are running Mongo on your local machine and exposing 27017 port - you have to connect to localhost:27017.