greatbit / quack

Web Based Test Management System
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Quack load balancer configuration problem #257

Open bobbeck55 opened 1 year ago

bobbeck55 commented 1 year ago


I have been able to run multiple quack instances with 3 mongodb servers on 1 or 2 VMs. Now I am bringing up a load balancer in front of the quack instances. Can you please provide the load balancer nginx.conf and conf.d/load-balancer.conf file? Do I need nginx running on the load balancer VM and the quack instance VM?

The test I ran is with 1 load balancer VM named "quack" and 1 VM named "quack1". I have attached the configuration and logs to this issue.

The nginx error.log for quack and quack1 do not show anything. The nginx access.log for quack and quack1 show some HTTP 200, 304, 401 errors. Can you explain what is happening and how to fix my configuration? I've appended ".txt" to many of the files so github would allow an upload.

Thanks, Bob

quack_access.txt.log quack_error.txt.log quack_load-balancer_conf.txt quack_nginx_conf.txt [quacks [quack1 error.txt.log](

quack1_conf.txt erve quack1_access.txt.log

quack_ui_1.txt.log r_1.txt.log](