greatbit / quack

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How to configure multiple admins ? #258

Open bobbeck55 opened 1 year ago

bobbeck55 commented 1 year ago

In , I see the following attributes auth.admin.login auth.admin.password auth.admin.logins

When I put 1 user id and 1 password in the 1st 2 attributes, quack configures that user as an admin. If I put 2 user ids in auth.admin.login, quack doesn't accept either user id. I do not know how/if auth.admin.logins is supposed to work because when I put 2 user ids there, nothing different happens.

Is it possible to configure 2 or more admin accounts?

azee commented 1 year ago

Hi @bobbeck55

What type of auth provider you are using in your system? ATM it can be done for jira auth provider only.

Will schedule some work to make it available in other providers.

bobbeck55 commented 1 year ago

Where an I find the jira authorization provider java code?

bobbeck55 commented 1 year ago

Hi Aziz,

Is the jira authentication provider available in open source?

Thanks, Bob

azee commented 1 year ago

HI @bobbeck55

It was created for a Jira Server