greatman / Craftconomy

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WorldGuard Region Support for Banks #16

Open Drehverschluss opened 12 years ago

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

I wanna ask if you maby could support Region for all the Bank commands to get people inside of probably a BankBuilding to use the bank...That would be awesome.

greatman commented 12 years ago

Does WG support blocking commands? If so you can just block /bank everywhere except in those specific regions ;)

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

Yes they do :)

greatman commented 12 years ago

Then just do it though WG :P

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

well but i need to pput a Region over my whole world for just remove this command in the world...maby theres another way too i need to look.

greatman commented 12 years ago

You got a region called global (double _ and without the space) that is basicly the whole world region.

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

ähmm not really?

greatman commented 12 years ago

I just tested with a /rg flag __global__ pvp allow and it said flag set.

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

ok i will test that

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

Well allright thx i will test this

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

so i mean the command work ill test if it workd for bound region

Drehverschluss commented 12 years ago

Nope it isnt working :(

I settet up the /region flag global blocked-cmds /bank ------ Thats working for the Whole world I Also put a priority from -10 on it. Than i added in the region bank the allowed-cmd /bank and it wont work this region has basic priotity from 0

greatman commented 12 years ago

Tried to put your areas parent to __global__?