Closed Phase-angle-regulating-transformer closed 6 years ago
I didn't write the ubertooth-btle
tool, so this may not be correct, but I believe you need to run it as two separate commands:
ubertooth-btle -t <address>
ubertooth-btle -f -c /tmp/pipe
Unfortunately, separation of these command changed nothing. This does not work, but thank You for trying help me dominicgs.
In the latest released firmware, you will receive advertising packets from all devices but only follow connections from the target device specified with -t.
In the le_phy branch's firmware, in addition to only following connections from the specified target device you will also only receive advertising packets to/from that device.
Thanks mikeryan. So what are the steps to follow connection from one target device? I attempt to do this, but it failed. Maybe I did something wrong. I used command with -t but it is still not following this device.
It will likely take many tries to capture the connection. Just keep running ubertooth -f after you use -t and repeatedly disconnect and reconnect the devices. Ubertooth will eventually capture a connection. It can take 10+ tries sometimes.
Hi there
I want to sniff some data packages between two Bluetooth Low Energy Devices with Ubertooth One.
I followed steps from build guide Next I tried to sniff my devices using "ubertooth-btle -f -a(address) -c /tmp/pipe" but it does not work. The results of this operation are the same like "ubertooth-btle -f -c /tmp/pipe". Other variants of this command with -t or -s does not work too. It does not hopping between channels, only shows some addresses and infos on chosen channel.