greatsuspender / thegreatsuspender

A chrome extension for suspending all tabs to free up memory
GNU General Public License v2.0
5.03k stars 899 forks source link

Any intrest in bringing this to ff/palemoon #409

Open alidan opened 8 years ago

alidan commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing if I can migrate to Firefox due to chrome becoming more and more unusable due to its updates demanding i rest my computer till it randomly fixes itself.

There is a lot that firefox/palemoon can do, but there is no working tab suspender that works even half as well as this does. There is a lot I can live without, but this extension is one that I require, or at least the functionality (being able to scroll through tabs without them reloading, or even a keyboard shortcut for suspending a tab)

xMajedz commented 7 years ago

i agree and since firefox is copying chrome extension method it should be easier now

alidan commented 7 years ago

Funny thing is, because firefox is moving to chrome style, its getting rid of all its advantages, taking on chrome's disadvantages along with not fixing the core of firefox. Kinda kills all use firefox had, at least the forks don't have to abandon the extensions though.

xMajedz commented 7 years ago

yeah its really disappointing a lot of extensions i use will be effected with it. but i'm trying to look to the bright side through this. ( which i don't where it is )

andreicristianpetcu commented 7 years ago

I made an unofficial WebExtension build for Firefox. It does not work exactly as in Chrome but it should be decent. I made no change to the extension from Chrome Web Store. I just renamed it and signed it. It basically "Just works". Please try it in Firefox Nightly or DevEdition since Firefox stable might have some missing APIs. Enjoy!

andreicristianpetcu commented 7 years ago

For anyone wanting to hack on this issue and actually make an official build I think the best place to start is by going to the about:debugging page in Firefox after you have installed the addon I mentioned above. Also webextension-polyfill might be useful.

jonathanKingston commented 7 years ago

@deanoemcke this would be great to have support, since this bug was raised it seems the issues in supporting Firefox have become just browser rendering issues and a few edge cases. I did a quick debug and most things appear to work.

diego898 commented 6 years ago

Just wanted to check back up on this? I think this is a must have for those us finally trying to migrate to chrome from ff!

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

To chrome from ff? Or the other way around? Yeah, it is still on my radar. But after the new release..

diego898 commented 6 years ago

Sorry I miswrote I meant from chrome to FF!

liamjohnston commented 6 years ago

+1 but definitely sometime after the next release. I am one of the many devs looking to make the move to Firefox, and my use of (and involvement in) TGS is one of the main things holding me back.

jameschensmith commented 5 years ago

+1 as this is my favorite extension on Chrome. Would love to have this on FF. ❤️

shimizurei commented 4 years ago

What is the status on this feature?

guillempuche commented 4 years ago

I'm switching to Firefox due to user privacy.

Will you @deanoemcke develop Great Suspender extension?

arnoldsandoval commented 4 years ago

+1 this is probably the only thing I miss about chrome.

dvalter commented 4 years ago

For anyone who's still interested in porting it over to Firefox: I tried to solve or mitigate most of FF incompitabilities I've seen. Unfortunately I could not make it work for container tabs (API's broken, I use discard instead) and private/incognito mode (API's broken even worse, it requires significant code rewrite). Another issue I've ran into is handling more than few hundred suspended tabs on start. I'm not sure why number of tabs make that much difference for a startup code.

Code is available here. Currently it should not work in Chromuim-based browsers, but if @deanoemcke wants, I'll put effort to merge it into upstream.

FoxBlocks commented 4 years ago

@dvalter Dude you're a life saver, tysm