greatsuspender / thegreatsuspender

A chrome extension for suspending all tabs to free up memory
GNU General Public License v2.0
5.03k stars 905 forks source link

Recovering lost tabs after extension update or removal #526

Open deanoemcke opened 7 years ago

deanoemcke commented 7 years ago

This is the official issue for users trying to recover from tab loss due to an update of the extension, or following removal/disabling of the extension. This is the number one pain point of the extension and here I will attempt to address why this is an issue, and what you can do if affected by it.

Overview: Why do my tabs disappear when the extension updates or is removed? What is the safe way to remove the extension? What is the safe way to update the extension What should I do if I have lost tabs? How to recover lost tabs with The Great Suspender How to recover lost tabs without The Great Suspender My suspended tab says "This site cannot be reached"

Why do my tabs disappear when the extension updates or is removed?

The Great Suspender works by redirecting a tab to a new url in order to 'suspend' it. This means that the tab is now controlled by the extension process. When the extension updates or is disabled or uninstalled, this process is killed and all tabs that belong to it are removed from the browser. For this reason, I try to keep the number of updates to the extension to a minimum.

The extension does come with an inbuilt tab recovery system that will automatically detect and reload lost tabs in aftermath of an update or extension crash. And in the event of an update, a session restore point is automatically created in the Session History page and can be restored manually.

What is the safe way to remove the extension?

If you want to uninstall the extension, please unsuspend all tabs before doing so. This is the only way to prevent those tabs from disappearing. This can be done easily by clicking the 'Unsuspend all tabs' option in the extension popup menu. Or more manually by visiting every suspended tab and manually reloading it. Please note that if using the 'Unsuspend all tabs' option, you will need to do this once for each chrome window you have open.

If you failed to unsuspend all tabs before uninstalling and have lost tabs, please refer to the section below entitled "How to recover lost tabs without The Great Suspender".

Please note, uninstalling the extension will also permanently remove all extension data including tab history and extension options. Reinstalling the extension will not enable you to do any sort of recovery.

I would recommend anyone wanting to remove the extension to first back up their tabs using another extension called "Session buddy". This tool will allow you to back up all your tabs and restore them again at a later date. Please be aware that those tabs suspended at the time the session buddy backup is performed will not have their correct urls. These links will only work as long as The Great Suspender is currently installed on your browser. If you want the real urls in your session buddy backup, then you will need to unsuspend all your tabs first.

What is the safe way to update the extension?

Unfortunately chrome does not give the user the ability to manage their own extension updates. As soon as a new release is made available on the webstore, this update is automatically pushed to users.

I have done my best to mitigate the potential for lost tabs during an update by prompting users to export a backup of their tabs before accepting the new update.

As mentioned above, a session restore point will also automatically be created to save a record of your open tabs before the update. You can then recover any lost tabs via this restore point from the Session History screen accessible from the extension Options page.

What should I do if I have lost tabs?

If you have lost tabs due to the extension being removed then refer to the section below entitled "How to recover lost tabs without The Great Suspender".

If you have lost tabs due to the extension being disabled, then first re-enable the extension, and then refer to the section below entitled "How to recover lost tabs with The Great Suspender".

If you have lost tabs but the extension still seems to be installed and running, then refer to the section below entitled "How to recover lost tabs with The Great Suspender".

Before continuing, it's worth checking first that you have not simply switched chrome profiles. If you have multiple chrome profiles, then each one will have a separate record of tab history.

How to recover lost tabs with The Great Suspender

The extension comes with its own tab history management UI to help users recover from lost tabs. Go to the extension options page (from 'settings' in the popup or 'options' when right-clicking on the extension). Then in the settings sidebar click on 'Session management'. This will show you your most recent tab sessions. You can click on each session to see more detail on the individual windows and tabs it contains.

To reload a session, simply click the 'reload' link. This will reload all windows and tabs in an 'unsuspended' state. If your session contains a very large number of tabs, then you might instead want to click 'resuspend' which will be much faster as it reloads the tabs in a suspended state.

If for some reason the missing tabs are not in your recent sessions, then please follow the guide below for recovering lost tabs without using The Great Suspender.

If you have access to system backups, you may be able to restore old 'recent sessions' from these backups. The recent sessions are stored in an IndexedDB database at Chrome/Default/IndexedDB/chrome-extension_klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg_0.indexeddb.blob/ and Chrome/Default/IndexedDB/chrome-extension_klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg_0.indexeddb.leveldb/

How to recover lost tabs without The Great Suspender

You can attempt to recover lost tabs by using chromes in-built history page. Navigate to chrome://history in a new tab and you will be shown a list of tabs you have visited in the past grouped by date and showing the most recent at the top. Somewhere in this list you will have a record of all the tabs you lost. However it can be a bit tricky to find them as they are mixed in with all the tabs you have visited and purposely closed as well.

For example, if you opened a tab one week ago, and it got suspended and you never revisited that tab, then in chrome history, it will be grouped with all the tabs from one week ago.

You can try searching for "klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg" to find tabs that were suspended. This may help narrow down the list.

If you do find a lost tab in this list, there is a chance that when you try to reopen it, it will take you to a blank page saying "This site cannot be reached". Please refer to the section below on how to recover these tabs.

My suspended tab says "This site cannot be reached"

It can happen that when you open a suspended tab link, or try to unsuspend a tab, you will see a blank page with the text "This site cannot be reached". And it will have a strange url that looks something like this: chrome-extension://klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg/suspended.html#ttl=Google&uri=

This is most likely due to the fact that you no longer have The Great Suspender installed in your browser. The easiest way to recover these tabs is to reinstall the extension, and then reload the page.

Should this fail for any reason (which would happen if you tried to open this url in another browser like firefox, or from a device that does not support extensions such as an android phone), then as a last resort you can manually edit the url to recover the tab. Delete everything before the &uri= text in the address bar and the page should reload corrently. ie: in the example above you would end up with

adcurtin commented 7 years ago

will clicking "update extensions now" in the chrome extensions page update to the latest webstore version even if auto updates are disabled?

in chrome's history, you can search for "klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg" to find tabs that were suspended.

lastly, I'd suggest adding some info about what files TGS uses to store sessions. Yesterday for some reason all my suspended tabs were closed again, but the extension stayed enabled and had no history for what tabs I had. I was able to get them back by restoring the indexeddb from a backup earlier that day. (I actually wasn't home to use my computer at all between when the backup happened and when all the suspended tabs disappeared…).

deanoemcke commented 7 years ago

@adcurtin I don't believe so. i prevent automatic updates by setting the 'max deploy percentage' to zero. As detailed here: It is slightly ambiguous, but it does state: "The max deploy percentage control only applies to auto-update for existing users. New users always get the latest version of your app." I think this also means that existing users are literally unable to receive updates. This is why I suggest uninstalling and reinstalling as the only way around this.

uecasm commented 7 years ago

What about It sounds like that would let you detect an impending update.

deanoemcke commented 7 years ago

@uecasm I can't believe I have never noticed this event. It's probably exactly what I need. I'll try it out. Thanks for the heads up! Unfortunately, it's going to take another update to get it implemented :(

mengsel commented 7 years ago

Is there any way to recover 'session management' sessions without the extension? I'd love to be able to export them to my new device...

deanoemcke commented 7 years ago

@mengsel In the session management page, there is a link to export each session. This produces a text file with each (unsuspended) url on a new line. The Great Suspender has no way to import these sessions on another computer, but you can do exactly that with Session Buddy, another chrome extension which I mention in the information above.

rudolphos commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to delete this line from a list of URLS? I'm not that familiar with regex.

chrome-extension://klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg/suspended.html#ttl= ... &uri= DIRECT URL HERE

I can't do it anymore, because devs of this plugin have added #ttl= which has different text in every tab, therefore it gets added to suspender URL, previously I just removed the extension string (find/replace N++) and I got direct links, because they all were the same, now I'm having problems because ttl is added.


EDIT: I have never made a regex expression, but this seems to be working


EDIT2: Tried it on .csv db table exported from SessionBuddy database and there it didn't work, it selected more than this line. But it worked on csv file which was in multiple lines.

deanoemcke commented 7 years ago

@rudolphos what exactly are you trying to do? if you want to export a list of urls in all your tabs, you can do exactly that from the session management screen within the extension (as mentioned in my reply to @mengsel above)

rudolphos commented 7 years ago

@deanoemcke When tab is suspended it now has a longer URL including tab title, which messes up 'order by url' feature in SessionBuddy if there are also other unsuspended tabs, which can cause duplicates if sessions are merged. This is important for me as I have sessions with 180+ tabs and many more saved and modified, merged.

I usually export Session URL list as CSV from sessionbuddy and previously it was easier to remove the sessionbuddy uri= part, but now that there are various titles in it, I had to make regex which seems to be working on one-per-line tab list, but it didn't work on db table exported from SessionBuddy.

zxweed commented 7 years ago

The extension are lost all my tabs and cannot recover from history, I am so sad, it was collect a couple of months...

owenblacker commented 7 years ago

The "Session management" tab is empty; the extension does not appear to be saving my sessions. Is there anything I can do to rectify this — automatically or manually?

deanoemcke commented 7 years ago

@owenblacker if you open the chrome developer console on the session management screen, are there any errors on the page? This other person might be having the same issue: Would be good to find out more info on this!

owenblacker commented 7 years ago

@deanoemcke I only just saw this notification and, while it's been continuously the case for some time now, I just went to the Session management tab and it is saving my sessions again now. I'm afraid I have no idea what's changed between those two :(

epixcz commented 7 years ago

@zxweed I can recommend Session Buddy. Its awesome, only downside is no synchronization between installations, but that can be done manually by export/import.

hugegit commented 6 years ago

Acckkk - I just lost a saved tab session by installing the current Alpha version (because of the Error 400 / gsScrollPos / Google issue) ... I thought saving it was enough and didn't know I had to export it. Is there any way to get it back? I looked at previous posts in this thread - going back through my closed tabs history won't work as the session spanned several months.


fwextensions commented 6 years ago

@hugegit loading the unpacked alpha version shouldn't affect the webstore version. I've currently got both running (with only one set to auto-suspend tabs, to reduce confusion). If you uninstalled the webstore version and then installed the alpha, I'm not sure if recovery is possible. Maybe there's a backup of the indexeddb file that @adcurtin mentions above?

danilaml commented 6 years ago

So the GS won't update automatically when 7.0 comes, so that you can unsuspend all tabs before forcing an update? Did I understand correctly? Also, will the old "suspended" links work? I.e. if I have them stored in some session management extension, will they open and work correctly after the update?

adcurtin commented 6 years ago

I ran into an interesting problem related to updating.

I have multiple computers connected to my chrome account. I upgraded my main computer to 7.0, and disabled the webstore version. Well, disabling the webstore version synced to my other computers, and disabled the extension there as well. ~110 extension tabs were closed.

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@adcurtin yes. that is expected. re-enabling it should restore all your tabs automatically? if you want that setup, then you're best to just set the v6.30 on your main computer to 'time to suspend -> never' which will essentially disable it just on that computer.

BrentNewland commented 6 years ago

Session Buddy sucks. It's never done a good job auto saving sessions for me. It either doesn't save them until I open it, in which case it saves immediately, or it doesn't save them on a regular basis.

I recommend Tabs Backup and Restore. It's something like 6 years old but still works perfectly. It can be set to backup anywhere from once a minute to once every four hours, and can save up to 80 backups. And IT ALWAYS WORKS.

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Hi @deanoemcke you mentioned that on re-enabling the extension your tabs should be restored. I think I found a case this isn't true. I'm logged into chrome from my laptop and desktop. I disabled the extension via my laptop and then arriving at work today enabled via the desktop. Now all suspended tabs on both laptop and desktop are gone. disabling and re-enabling from laptop doesn't help and the sessions don't hold the missing tabs. Thankfully i have Recently Closed Tabs extension installed so I can recover but just wanted to flag the case where you can disable from one machine and re-enable from another and in that case it won't automatically restore tabs. Other than this crux of an issue I'm very grateful for your plugin. Cheers

dragonspirit1185 commented 6 years ago

@deanoemcke You should have never released the update if this wasn't fixed. I'm losing too many tabs. If you can not fix this then why not find someone who can? I liked it better when I just had to clear cookies, at least then I didn't lose tabs. I never even knew there was a tab limit. Apparently there is. You obviously need to outsource and get this fixed.
This update fixes one issue only to create and even bigger issue.

I just used the restore session option and wow made my junk freeze for a while. I just wanted to restore one window. Make it to where we can choose each Tab or each window like you can with the extension One Tab. I don't need all this opening all at once. WARNING to others if you are going to restore a session then close out all windows then open Chrome and do it or else you're gonna get duplicate tabs. Such a huge mess.

adcurtin commented 6 years ago

@dragonspirit1185 it sucks that you lost tabs, and I'm sorry. I know how frustrating it can be. However, your last comment is not appropriate. Dean has provided this awesome extension for free, and has been very careful to avoid this problem as much as possible. Chrome does not make it easy.

Please do not come to the github and complain and whine like that, as it is not productive. Being an ass to an individual providing a service to you and receiving nothing in return is very poor form.

dragonspirit1185 commented 6 years ago

It's feedback. I'm not whining. Free or not you gotta roll with the criticisms. I'm not being an "ass", I'm sharing my frustrations.

On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 12:41 PM adcurtin wrote:

@dragonspirit1185 it sucks that you lost tabs, and I'm sorry. I know how frustrating it can be. However, your last comment is not appropriate. Dean has provided this awesome extension for free, and has been very careful to avoid this problem as much as possible. Chrome does not make it easy.

Please do not come to the github and complain and whine like that, as it is not productive. Being an ass to an individual providing a service to you and receiving nothing in return is very poor form.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

adcurtin commented 6 years ago

If you can not fix this then why not find someone who can?

You obviously need to outsource and get this fixed

yes, you are being an ass, and that's putting it rather politely. Those are not constructive statements, and sharing your frustrations in that manner does nothing to help fix the issue. I don't know Dean at all, and the majority of my interaction with him has been here in this issue. However, your comments still offended me enough to come here and tell you to stop, I can't imagine how he must've felt.

Please, stop polluting this issue with your complaints unless you actually have something to contribute.

dragonspirit1185 commented 6 years ago

You want to talk about being unproductive yet you're being nothing but unproductive here so please move along. You've stated your opinion enough.

Calling someone an "ass" and acting the way that you are towards them it's the same thing well it's worse. Two wrongs don't make a right. You're confronting me in a much worse way than I expressed myself. You have been profane and blatantly rude. I actually want trying to be rude. I just happen to have a developmental disability that causes me not to set how I come across when I'm frustrated. I actually have autism that causes me to like appropriate social convention and not really know how to word things. If I was in his shoes I would definitely outsource. I will not respond or entertain this any further.

On Wed, Aug 29, 2018, 2:23 PM adcurtin wrote:

If you can not fix this then why not find someone who can?

You obviously need to outsource and get this fixed

yes, you are being an ass, and that's putting it rather politely. Those are not constructive statements, and sharing your frustrations in that manner does nothing to help fix the issue.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

liamjohnston commented 6 years ago

@dragonspirit1185 Open source software is essentially outsourced by definition. Either fix the problem yourself (as a pull request) or find someone else who can.

@adcurtin is right; your comments were unhelpful an inappropriate. The developer is doing everything he can to avoid this not-completely-avoidable problem.

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@dragonspirit1185 i'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "if this wasn't fixed?". you mean potential tab loss when updating? is that the "even bigger issue" you refer to? just to be clear, this is not an issue that has been created in the most recent release. it has been an ongoing issue every time i push an update to the chrome webstore. i'm also not sure what you mean by the "tab limit". can you clarify?

due to the way the extension works, there is absolutely nothing i can do about suspended tabs disappearing during an update. the code that restores tabs after the update seems to work well for almost everybody, but there seems to be always a small percentage of people for whom it fails.

in regards to your usage of the session manager. perhaps you haven't realised, but you can actually just reopen a single window from a session instead of the whole session. you need to expand the session containing the window you want to restore, then next to the 'window 1' (or whatever number), click the 'resuspend' button. you could alternatively click the 'reload' button, but this will cause every tab in the window to load from the original website. from the sounds of it, that's what you've been doing. because if you choose 'resuspend' instead, it can actually open a window with quite a large number of tabs pretty quickly.

i'm sorry that i've caused a loss of tabs for you. i do understand how frustrating that can be. as you know, the impetus for this release was to fix the youtube cookies bug. and i made a call that it was more important to fix that at the cost of a few users suffering from a loss of tabs.

rest assured i'm doing everything i can to get to the root cause of these issues. unfortunately i don't have the resources to outsource any of this. but as @liamjohnston said, you're welcome to contribute if you're able.

dragonspirit1185 commented 6 years ago

I would contribute if I could. I know nothing about coding. When I mentioned fix one thing to only have a bigger issue I meant the old issue was the sites acting up and having errors for to all the cookies and we had to clear them. Not so bad I didn't lose tabs. I'm not sure what you mean by losing tabs during an update I just walked out of the room and did something for like an hour or two and came back and all the tabs were gone. As far as I know nothing updated. Once I saw you talk about another thread how you have fixed all the issues I removed the extension and then added it again to get the latest update even then I didn't lose tabs. Idk but like I said I'd rather have issues with sites not working forcing me to clear cookies than have tabs vanish. I'll look into how to reinstate certain windows. I'm pretty sure I tried what you're mentioning.

On Wed, Aug 29, 2018, 9:58 PM Dean Oemcke wrote:

@dragonspirit1185 i'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "if this wasn't fixed?". you mean potential tab loss when updating? is that the "even bigger issue" you refer to? just to be clear, this is not an issue that has been created in the most recent release. it has been an ongoing issue every time i push an update to the chrome webstore. i'm also not sure what you mean by the "tab limit". can you clarify?

due to the way the extension works, there is absolutely nothing i can do about suspended tabs disappearing during an update. the code that restores tabs after the update seems to work well for almost everybody, but there seems to be always a small percentage of people for whom it fails.

in regards to your usage of the session manager. perhaps you haven't realised, but you can actually just reopen a single window from a session instead of the whole session. you need to expand the session containing the window you want to restore, when next to the 'window 1' (or whatever number), click the 'resuspend' button. you could alternatively click the 'reload' button, but this will cause every tab in the window to load properly. from the sounds of it, that's what you've been doing. because if you choose 'resuspend' instead, it can actually open a window with quite a large number of tabs pretty quickly.

i'm sorry that i've caused a loss of tabs for you. i do understand how frustrating that can be. as you know, the impetus for this release was to fix the youtube cookies bug. and i made a call that it was more important to fix that at the cost of a few users suffering from a loss of tabs.

rest assured i'm doing everything i can to get to the root cause of these issues. unfortunately i don't have the resources to outsource any of this. but as @liamjohnston said, you're welcome to contribute if you're able.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

bakugo commented 6 years ago

This happened to me too today. Browser just froze while I was using it and wiped hundreds of suspended tabs, session list is empty. Thankfully I had a session backup in another extension but this is is still a serious issue.

sclient commented 6 years ago

Well, I just had to disable the extension in opera so I could get it to update to the new version, so that youtube would stop breaking. Lost all my suspended tabs, none are available in the recovery, and now youtube at least plays videos, but all the buttons are broken. So not good!

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@sclient for the youtube button issue, it sounds like it might be the same as this person:

i have not been able to replicate this, and can't see how this extension could break another website. but keen to investigate more. does refreshing the youtube page help? what happens if you disable the extension and then refresh again? (after unsuspending all your tabs first of course).

are you familiar with the chrome developer tools console? if so, can you tell me if there are any errors in the console?

nmhung1985 commented 6 years ago

I'm in the opposite position. I have waited for the extension to update but it has not as of today 9 Sep. Actually, I only knew there was a new update when I was using a portable Chrome for some testing. Is there any chance I accidentally skipped the "before update" warning as you mentioned in the first post? (I have never seen any warning related your extension since I installed it though).

Btw, will this extension be integrated features from your other one "The Great Discarder"?

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@nmhung1985 the 'before update' warning will only on a subsequent update (ie. not on this current update). are you asking if i will be incorporating features from the great discarder into this extension? or the other way around (incorporating new features from this upcoming release into the great discarder)?

The great discarder has diverged pretty significantly from this extension in terms of code, and most new features from this extension are not relevant to the great discarder. however, i do plan on doing some work on the other extension once this one is out the door.

nmhung1985 commented 6 years ago

From the description, I thought TGD was superior and you were making it for testing, so I was just curious if you would integrate its advanced features into TGS in the future. Well, it looks like TGD and TGS will be 2 separate extensions for a long time.

However, the main thing is the TGS extension has not updated on my Chrome. Do you know the reason and what would you suggest to force the update? Of course I can just uninstall and re-install, but I'll wait for your answer before doing so.

nmhung1985 commented 6 years ago

Oh well, I found the "Developer" method to force updating. However, it turned out TGS still could not be updated (while another extension was forced to update successfully). Guess I'll have to uninstall and re-install TGS manually.

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@nmhung1985 i'm in the middle of a selective rollout. if you wait a few more days the webstore version will update automatically. if you want it now, then uninstalling and reinstalling is the way to go. Just make sure you unsuspend or backup all your tabs first :)

Boscop commented 6 years ago

@deanoemcke So if we just wait, we will get the new version without losing ANY of our suspended tabs?

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@Boscop If you just wait, you will at some point be automatically updated to the latest version without any warning (assuming you are still on v6.30).

When this happens, any tabs you had suspended will disappear, leaving only those tabs that were unsuspended still showing in your browser. After the update, the extension will attempt to recreate those suspended tabs that disappeared. In most cases, this process works flawlessly. However, there always seems to be a few users for whom this process fails.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself is install another extension which keeps a running backup of the tabs you have open. See this issue thread for recommendations:

That way, if you do suffer from a loss of tabs, you can easily recover them from an automatic backup.

Boscop commented 6 years ago

@deanoemcke Thanks. Yes, I'm still on 6.30. I installed "Tabs Backup & Restore" but it hasn't been updated in years. Which extension do you recommend, that will definitely prevent suspended tab loss when TGS updates?

deanoemcke commented 6 years ago

@Boscop i'm using "Tabs Backup & Restore" and it's working fine for me. It may not be maintained, but i assume it will continue to work fine unless Google updates chrome in such a way as to break existing extension API functionality.

danilaml commented 6 years ago

I'm using "Session Buddy" and it works like a charm. It's what's saved all my lost tabs when this extension has decided to spontaneously update (it automatically records last N sessions).

DedupOperator commented 5 years ago

SessionBuddy -- easily convert TGS sessions [TUTORIAL]

As published on SessionBuddy Google Group

1) Click on the sessions you want to convert, or select a few from Session Buddy's left panel by holding CTRL key.

2) click on the cogwheel 'settings' icon and then Export.

3) Click: JSON > Select 'Sessions, Windows, Titles, URLs' > Ensure that 'Selected' is chosen > Save to File.

4) Open Notepad++ (download link). Open the Json file saved earlier.

5) Click CTRL+H for Search and Replace. > Under 'Search Mode' choose 'Regular Expression'.

6) Next to: 'Find What': Copy this line:

"url": "chrome-extension://[a-z]{32}/suspended.html#ttl=.*(http[s]?\:\/\/.[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\_?=%&#\-\+!]+\"\,)

'Replace with:'

"url": "\1

7) Click 'Replace All' and Save the file.

8) Back to Chrome window with Session Buddy opened, Click on clogwheel icon ("settings") > Click 'Import',

9) Click 'Select File', choose the saved Json File, after the conversion. Click 'Save'.

10) You have a new unsuspended saved session on the left panel. Hooray!

ctsstc commented 5 years ago

@deanoemcke I see the Chrome store says that the current version is: 7.0.109 from August 25, 2018, but I'm still stuck on v6.30 I'm itching to upgrade, but don't want to screw things up. I've tried clicking Chrome's update button in the extensions but it doesn't seem to do anything unfortunately :\

deanoemcke commented 5 years ago

@ctsstc A new version is coming very soon and it will update everybody. The current version on the chrome webstore has some known issues so I've halted the rollout.

dskrepps commented 5 years ago

A few moments ago I was watching a youtube video when suddenly the "The Great Suspender has been updated" tab opened. Instantly all of my suspended tabs were gone, leaving only my unsuspended tabs. I clicked through to the Session Management page to find there were no sessions whatsoever.

Maybe you should just create a sister extension that monitors that the first is maintaining sessions properly.... eliminate the single point of failure.

a5m0 commented 5 years ago

got the newest update and it seemed fine, but then chrome crashed a few minutes later and when I tried recover session is came back with like 1/10 of the tabs I had, then checking session buddy and it was overwritten to 2 weeks ago -_-

deanoemcke commented 5 years ago

@a5m0 what do you see within the session management section of the great suspender? it should have saved a session with all your open tabs pre-update.

sorry about session buddy. it seems that they stopped doing automatic session saves quite a while ago. there's a thread about better alternatives:

a5m0 commented 5 years ago

@deanoemcke the session management page is empty for all 3 session types, thank you for the session buddy alternative suggestion

quingster commented 5 years ago

I also lost almost all of my suspended pages, and the session management doesn't have any sessions at all. I suppose I'll go through the last several months of history trying to restore everything I lost...