grebarzasi / ing-sw-2019-barzasi-bellacoscia-cai

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Update readme #8

Closed michele-bertoni closed 5 years ago

michele-bertoni commented 5 years ago

Since deadline is near, we need you to update your readme, by adding the procedure for launching your project. This is must be very detailed (step-by-step). Also, you need to declare the functionalities you implemented by updating the functionality table: if a functionality was not completely implemented you can leave it yellow, but it will be considered as it was red (that means 0 points); of course, don't try to cheat: we'll deeply test every green functionality. It's important that everything is up-to-date before the deadline, because we'll clone every repository at midnight and we'll use that version for tests and final review.

theodoretsai commented 5 years ago

readme has been updated with detailed instructions

michele-bertoni commented 5 years ago

I can't see them, yet. Just the title of instructions

theodoretsai commented 5 years ago

We have tried to open readme on several devices including phones and it worked properly, if the file still cannot be opened we can try uploading a txt or a doc file in deliberables.

michele-bertoni commented 5 years ago

My bad, I was with mobile phone and I didn't realize it cut half document.