grebiniuk / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Create an intro #4

Closed grebiniuk closed 5 years ago

grebiniuk commented 5 years ago

Скласти інтро (вступ), де в 2-4 реченнях описати, що замовник робить, що подобається робити, що хочеться робити краще, що важливо робити, тощо.

grebiniuk commented 5 years ago


                                ― I'm the most successful person ever to&nbsp;run for the presidency, by&nbsp;far.
                                Nobody's ever been more successful than&nbsp;me. I'm the most successful
                                person ever
                                to&nbsp;run. Ross Perot isn't successful like&nbsp;me. Romney ― I&nbsp;have a&nbsp;Gucci
                                that's worth more than Romney. Sorry losers and haters, but my&nbsp;IQ is&nbsp;one
                                highest ― and you all know&nbsp;it! Please don't feel so&nbsp;stupid or&nbsp;insecure,
                                it's not your fault.