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FAQ Page #17

Open jateeter opened 10 years ago

jateeter commented 10 years ago

We will need a general FAQ page under the link:


It's content should be dummied for now and we will need to incrementally add FAQ entries over time.

MartyBurns commented 10 years ago

Also, capture the FAQs (and update as appropriate) from

ErieMeyer commented 10 years ago

Looks like a number of these are addressed in other content. Would suggest adding this to the 1.1 milestone, and instead adding in anything that's not duplicated in features as appropriate.

MartyBurns commented 10 years ago

When is milestone 1.1? I imagine this one isn't a blocking one :-)

ErieMeyer commented 10 years ago

Hey @MartyBurns -- I arbitrarily chose 5/31, but you guys of course can choose the best date for your team.

jateeter commented 10 years ago

the fed-faq page is needed b/f 6/5 greengov when the URL will be published.

ErieMeyer commented 10 years ago

Got it -- could you post the questions and answers here so we can be prepared for the content to go up then?

jateeter commented 10 years ago

1 - How do I find out if my utility supports Green Button Connect My Data?

2 - Is a Smart (AMI) meter required for Green Button Support?

3 - How do I determine when in Facility Metering is justified?

4 - Is there a roadmap for agency support of Green Button in their energy management processes?

5 - Are agencies to be provided information as to vendors whose products and services support Green Button?

6 - Do agencies have a sense as to how many of their facilities are in services areas of utilities that support Green Button?

7 - What authority do agency managers have to initiate Green Button energy management activities?

8- How are larger facilities such as campuses or bases to approach the Green Button opportunity?

jateeter commented 10 years ago

Added /fed-faq/ to the repository with draft answers to the above questions.

Sethmr commented 8 years ago

I am trying to use the green button API. I can not find any worthwhile documentation. I only need to see a use case for getting a token and using it to retrieve data one time(whichever tokens I might need), and I should be able to figure the rest out from there. I thought maybe your FAQ page would be a good place to find this information, but when I go to the page or download the whole github project, all of your FAQ pages are gibberish. Below is an example of one of them.

title: Frequently Asked Questions

layout: page


Frequently Asked Questions

{% for faq in %} {% if faq.audience != "fed" %}


{% endif %} {% endfor %}

Federal Agency specific FAQ

{% for faq in %} {% if faq.audience == "fed" %}


{% endif %} {% endfor %}

MartyBurns commented 8 years ago

Can you be more specific?

Sethmr commented 8 years ago

I edited my post. Thank you for your time!

jateeter commented 8 years ago

with respect to the API, you might see if: <-- the sandbox

and/or <-- the API Doc

help you at all.


Sethmr commented 8 years ago

I just want to see a use case one time. I am working with a team that is all dumb founded by this API, who have written and used many of their own and other APIs. Every time I find a link to a page that I think might have my answers it is a 404. Until my team understands the API, we can't provide the proper information to Utility companies to give them 3rd party scope selection URL among others. We have been running in circles.

I also have a stackoverflow post about the topic which no one has been able to answer thus far.

dfcoffin commented 8 years ago

The API website John Teeter referenced uses "pre-established" OAuth 2.0 access tokens, which are documented at the top of the webpage. Each of the API sections on the webpage indicates in the comments which "type" of access token is required to obtain access to the API.

The access tokens are obtained using the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework [RFC 6749] "Authorization_Flow", "Client_Credentials", and "Refresh_Token" request flows as defined by the IETF standard.

Detailed information about the contents of the OAuth 2.0 access token request can be found on the Green Button Technical website. The following documents will be of value:

GreenButton Implementation Agreement (Document) Details of interoperabilty implementation agreements for those deploying Connect My Data. Key specifications included in this document are API definition, OAuth 2.0 protocol, and Cyber-security and privacy requirements.

The Authorization Scope (Web Page) The scope string used during the OAuth2 authorization process is detailed here in BNF form. The scope string allows for determination of the services provided, duration of the authorization, and many additional details of the data exchanged authorized by the retail customer