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[PYTHON] Transform Iterative methods to tail recursive and warn when recursive usage (team 904000m2) #44

Open zabatakram opened 1 year ago

zabatakram commented 1 year ago

In many languages, recursive operations are very costly (memory and cpu), mainly in python. Tail Recursive operations with less than 2 args can easily be converted to iterative methods and must raise an alert.

LordPatate commented 1 year ago

LordPatate commented 1 year ago

zabatakram commented 1 year ago


Optimized API: Avoid recursive calls and prefer iterative implementation for tail-recursion


OS OS version Langage
Web {OS version} Python3

Main caracteristics

ID Title Category Sub-category
{id} Avoid recursive calls Environment Optimized API
{id} Prefer iterative implementation for tail-recursion Environment Optimized API

Severity / Remediation Cost

Severity Remediation Cost
Major High
Severity Remediation Cost
Major Minor

Rule short description

In many languages, recursive operations are very costly (memory and cpu), mainly in python. The reason for this limit is (among other things) doing recursive calls takes a lot of memory and resources because each frame in the call stack must be persisted until the call is complete.

Rule complete description


In many languages, recursive operations are very costly (memory and cpu), mainly in python. The reason for this limit is (among other things) doing recursive calls takes a lot of memory and resources because each frame in the call stack must be persisted until the call is complete. Python has a default maximum recursion depth of 1000.



<p>In many languages, recursive operations are very costly (memory and cpu), mainly in python. The reason for this limit is (among other things) doing recursive calls takes a lot of memory and resources because each frame in the call stack must be persisted until the call is complete. Python has a default maximum recursion depth of 1000.</p>
<li><p>Case 1 : Iterative approach should be prefered to recursive in Python as the latter is highly memory consuming. A warning shoud be returned when a recursive function is detected.</p>
<li><p>Case 2: A function is tail-recursive if it ends by returning the value of the recursive call. Keeping the caller’s frame on stack is a waste of memory because there’s nothing left to do once the recursive call returns its value. Some compilers implement tail-call optimization, allowing unlimited recursion to occur without stack overflow. As Python is an interpreted language, an alternative is to refactor your code by your-self, or to ask a thirdparty library to do this for you.</p>
<li>Deriving Iterative Algorithms from Tail-Recursive Functions - <a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a> </li>
<li>Python tail-recursive library : <a href=""></a></li>

Implementation principle

LordPatate commented 1 year ago

⚠️ This package tail_recursive shoud not be used as it comes with great costs: higher execution time, memory and CPU consumption

from tail_recursive import tail_recursive
def factorial(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
    # It is important that you return the return value of the `tail_call`
    # method for tail recursion to take effect!
    # Note tail calls work with dunder methods, such as __mul__ and __rmul__,
    # by default.
    return n * factorial.tail_call(n - 1)

# Implementation with tail recursion succeeds because the function is
# called sequentially under the hood.
def factorial_without_tail_recursion(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
    return n * factorial_without_tail_recursion(n - 1)


vincent@vincent-HP-ProBook-450-G7:~/dev/poub$ vjoule --no-gpu python3 s1 12.671363847795874

Global 168.39J 11.06J
Process 104.98J 1.00J

vincent@vincent-HP-ProBook-450-G7:~/dev/poub$ vjoule --no-gpu python3 s2 0.024966625031083822

Global 0.51J 0.05J
Process 0.27J 0.01J
LordPatate commented 1 year ago