greenaddress / WalletCrx

GreenAddress open source client
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
79 stars 39 forks source link

No Electrum servers are reachable. #8

Closed intelliot closed 7 years ago

intelliot commented 9 years ago

Where is this functionality documented? How should users make an Electrum server become reachable?

greenaddress commented 9 years ago

Generally when you get "No Electrum servers are reachable" it means that you are in a network that doesn't allow connections to the Electrum servers.

It is rare in home settings but quite common in corporate offices to block anything going out on ports different than 80/443: in those cases there's little you can do other than setting up an internal Electrum server or some proxy/rules in the firewall to allow for the Electrum server connection. This also happens on some 3G networks.

If you decide to add/remove Electrum server you can do so in this file and then just reload the Chrome app for the changes to take effect (this assumes you run Chrome in dev mode and load the app from a GreenAddress app directory cloned off GitHub)