The redis configuration has persistence turned on, which results in error message like:
12 Jun 2023 08:16:20.177 * Background saving started by pid 10
12 Jun 2023 08:16:20.177 # Failed opening the temp RDB file temp-10.rdb (in server root dir /) for saving: Permission denied
12 Jun 2023 08:16:20.231 # Background saving error
This does not seem to be a new issue as far as I can tell, what apparently is new is that redis 7 in debian 12 seems to stop working when it fails to store the data. This is possibly related to
We're running this in kubernetes, but I don't see any volume specified in the community docker compose configuration except for the socket. Running the image locally with podman results in the same issue (after a SET and an explicit SYNC).
The redis configuration has persistence turned on, which results in error message like:
This does not seem to be a new issue as far as I can tell, what apparently is new is that redis 7 in debian 12 seems to stop working when it fails to store the data. This is possibly related to
A workaround is to disable persistence like in
We're running this in kubernetes, but I don't see any volume specified in the community docker compose configuration except for the socket. Running the image locally with podman results in the same issue (after a SET and an explicit SYNC).