Open diocanelebbrosobastardo opened 2 years ago
hi I'm using openvas that I installed on kali linux (installed on virtual box) ...
what i would like to do is scan my system .... i found this script, only once i give it the command to run it, which is suggested by the script itself, i get this:
usage: gvm-script [-h] [-c [CONFIG]] [--log [{DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL}]] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--gmp-username GMP_USERNAME] [--gmp-password GMP_PASSWORD] [-V] [--protocol {GMP, OSP}] CONNECTION_TYPE ... gvm-script: error: the following arguments are required: CONNECTION_TYPE unknown option - - usage: ssh [-46AaCfGgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-B bind_interface] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D [bind_address:] port] [-E log_file] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile] [-I pkcs11] [-i identity_file] [-J [user @] host [: port]] [-L address] [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port] [-Q query_option] [-R address] [-S ctl_path] [-W host: port] [-w local_tun [: remote_tun]] destination [command [argument ...]]
this is the script I used, found in the openVAS github page:
import datetime import sys from argparse import Namespace from gvm.protocols.gmp import Gmp def check_args(args): len_args = len(args.script) - 1 message = """ This script starts a new scan on the given host. It needs one parameters after the script name. 1. <host_ip> IP Address of the host system 2. <port_list_id> Port List UUID for scanning the host system. Preconfigured UUID might be under /var/lib/gvm/data-objects/gvmd/20.08/port_lists/. ex. iana-tcp-udp is "4a4717fe-57d2-11e1-9a26-406186ea4fc5". Example: $ gvm-script --gmp-username name --gmp-password pass \ ssh --hostname <gsm> scripts/ <host_ip> <port_list_id> """ if len_args != 2: print(message) sys.exit() def create_target(gmp, ipaddress, port_list_id): # create a unique name by adding the current datetime name = f"Suspect Host {ipaddress} {str(}" response = gmp.create_target( name=name, hosts=[ipaddress], port_list_id=port_list_id ) return response.get("id") def create_task(gmp, ipaddress, target_id, scan_config_id, scanner_id): name = f"Scan Suspect Host {ipaddress}" response = gmp.create_task( name=name, config_id=scan_config_id, target_id=target_id, scanner_id=scanner_id, ) return response.get("id") def start_task(gmp, task_id): response = gmp.start_task(task_id) # the response is # <start_task_response><report_id>id</report_id></start_task_response> return response[0].text def main(gmp: Gmp, args: Namespace) -> None: check_args(args) ipaddress = args.argv[1] port_list_id = args.argv[2] target_id = create_target(gmp, ipaddress, port_list_id) full_and_fast_scan_config_id = "daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea" openvas_scanner_id = "08b69003-5fc2-4037-a479-93b440211c73" task_id = create_task( gmp, ipaddress, target_id, full_and_fast_scan_config_id, openvas_scanner_id, ) report_id = start_task(gmp, task_id) print( f"Started scan of host {ipaddress}. " f"Corresponding report ID is {report_id}" ) if __name__ == "__gmp__": # pylint: disable=undefined-variable main(gmp, args)
2 problems are also reported: "gmp" is not defined, ln87 "args" is not defined, ln87
can anyone please help me ?
You need to run a GMP script via gvm-script [connection type] /path/to/
gvm-script [connection type] /path/to/
hi I'm using openvas that I installed on kali linux (installed on virtual box) ...
what i would like to do is scan my system .... i found this script, only once i give it the command to run it, which is suggested by the script itself, i get this:
this is the script I used, found in the openVAS github page:
2 problems are also reported: "gmp" is not defined, ln87 "args" is not defined, ln87
can anyone please help me ?