greenc / CookieMaster

A feature-rich, lightweight browser plugin for Cookie Clicker
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Auto-click golden cookie sometimes misses later cookie chain clicks #26

Closed jsutan closed 10 years ago

jsutan commented 10 years ago

Auto-click cookies sometimes misses cookies in the cookie chain that are later in the chain since they start spawning and have <1 second to be clicked. Not sure if that is a bug in the original code (seems like they are semi-random in the later cookie chain clicks where it might be a rounding error rounding up to 1 second or down to close to 0). But either way, the auto-click misses it. Not sure if there is an auto-click golden cookie poll interval that can be adjusted (only during chains) or something to that effect.

greenc commented 10 years ago

Interesting, I will look into this and possibly move the auto-clicker for popups into the faster refresh loop instead of the default one, which ticks at 1fps.

jsutan commented 10 years ago

For what it's worth, it generally happens around the 777 billion cookie click (not sure exactly what number that in the chain that is, 12 I think?)

shrx commented 10 years ago

I can confirm this happened to me too.

greenc commented 10 years ago

Should be fixed in v.1.14.2