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What is the non-geek value of developer experience ? #4

Open gadieichhorn opened 5 years ago

gadieichhorn commented 5 years ago

Developer experience?

Not sure I am on right track with your initiative but I think developer experience is also critical for technology adoption.

Packages/frameworks that support productive workflows is winning the game for me.


tonit commented 5 years ago

Well, for sure developer experience is a fundamental building block. With my company rebaze i've been consultiing in this area for some years. The question actually was meant somewhat ironic as it is (at times) a hard sell to non technical folks. So, this ticket is meant to get the real value of developer experience from CFO perspective for example.

As a whole, GreenDev is a lose initiate sparked in a twitter discussion to try to collect values in dev (like DevEx) and put them in a theme that can be understood as a whole by non tech people at best.

I'll comment on the document ticket too later. Just came back from a personal trip. Sorry for the delay.

tonit commented 5 years ago

I'll reframe the subject title.

gadieichhorn commented 5 years ago

Am I thinking too low level?

For a CFO it is like doing the accounts without spreadsheets. pen and paper and a calculator will work but is it a good experience for the accountant?

can be 50% more value sometimes when the tools make you work harder rather than working for you.

ktor commented 5 years ago
  1. Improved employee retention. Nobody want's to leave a very well managed workplace,
  2. Easier to hire new engineers by reference. Since your employees are more likely to recommend the company where development is top notch.
  3. Easier to have an active conference speaker. When development process is good, it's easier to brag about it.
  4. Easier to have an active technical blogger. Same reason as the point before.
  5. Enables innovation. It is much easier to innovate in a cutting edge team.
tonit commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ktor, exactly. Though sometimes its still hard to let non digital-native organizations (NoDino) understand why DevEx is a thing. I feel:

fpapon commented 5 years ago

What about the roles in organization?

For example:

In many organization, project manager is most important than technical leader because projects are cost driven with a short time vision.