greenelab / meta-review

Manuscript describing open collaborative writing with Manubot
48 stars 21 forks source link

Reviewer 2 comment 18 #147

Closed agitter closed 5 years ago

agitter commented 5 years ago

Table 1. → You should add a WYSIWIG feature that is present in a number of platforms and important for a lot of non technical people. Same for inline comments and diff colorization.

vincerubinetti commented 5 years ago

I'd agree with this. Perhaps it could go in "Limitations" as well.

Would a mention of the Hypothesis annotations plugin somewhere make sense? Would that address "inline comments"? Also could you elaborate on "diff colorization"?

agitter commented 5 years ago

What are our thoughts about whether Manubot has WYSIWIG support? It is possible to preview the edited markdown and render elements like lists and formatting. However, the figure references, citations, and other aspects are not WYSIWIG.

I'm not sure about inline comments. It could refer to the other platforms and which of them support commenting on specific lines. Most of them do. In general, this entire table may need a refresh. We should switch to Overleaf v2 now that v1 is no longer available (#27).

We should review our text to make sure the inline commenting on Manubot manuscripts through Hypothesis is clearly stated.

For diff colorization, my interpretation is that this would annotate whether the writing platform can diff text updates and color the changes, similar to the GitHub pull request web interface.

slochower commented 5 years ago

What are our thoughts about whether Manubot has WYSIWIG support? It is possible to preview the edited markdown and render elements like lists and formatting.

Is it worth stating that many editors like Atom, VS Code, Sublime... can do interactive preview of Markdown documents? On the one hand, that is not really Manubot-specific in any way, but on the other hand, if not everyone knows this and they are considering using Manubot, it could be helpful.

We should review our text to make sure the inline commenting on Manubot manuscripts through Hypothesis is clearly stated.

Does anyone use Hypothesis to comment during the drafting process? Do comments in Hypothesis get preserved across pushes to gh-pages?

dhimmel commented 5 years ago

What are our thoughts about whether Manubot has WYSIWIG support?

There is no WYSIWIG editor and it is not on the roadmap. Of course, you can use a partial WYSIWIG solution or a preview solution, but it won't understand the full array of formatting options. If you need WYSIWIG, something like Manuscripts App 2.0 (not released yet) or another browser based editor probably makes the most sense. I think this is a limitation of Manubot for the time being, but one of the reasons we have a specific target audience in mind that is familiar with writing source text files.

Same for inline comments and diff colorization

For inline comments, I think Hypothesis and PR line comments are sufficient. Regarding diffs, you can compare markdown or HTML documents using git, you can compare versions of DOCX, and we're working on better rendered diffs in (although the timeframe on this is unknown).

Does anyone use Hypothesis to comment during the drafting process?

Yes check out where coauthors used Hypothesis to provide feedback and review.

Do comments in Hypothesis get preserved across pushes to gh-pages?

AFAIK, they will stick to whatever URL they were created on until the text they annotate no longer exists. Therefore, it maybe makes sense to annotate a versioned URL, such that the annotations will never break. Especially if they are annotations that are for a specific version and shouldn't necessarily last forever.

slochower commented 5 years ago

There is no WYSIWIG editor and it is not on the roadmap.

We could mention That's about as close as we can come. We could make an animated gif showing a user writing in vim and autobuild displaying the output. Although that really only demonstrates half the pipeline (i.e., not the GitHub and CI portion), it is close to WYSIWIG writing.

agitter commented 5 years ago

On a related note, we may want to ask Overleaf and Authorea representatives to review Table 1 after we update it to make sure we're being accurate and fair.

agitter commented 5 years ago

If we could push artifacts as in #121 that would also help. Still not WYSIWIG, but it would be easier to catch errors.

I could work on this if I have time, but I'm going to tackle all the other issues I self-assigned first. Can anyone else work on this table and review the features of competing systems again? I can comment on those I use regularly, like Overleaf v2.

agitter commented 5 years ago

This is one of the only reviewer comments that we don't have a plan to resolve. Can we divide and conquer updates to the table, with each of us taking a competing system or two?

slochower commented 5 years ago

Sure, you can assign one to me.

agitter commented 5 years ago

I recommend that our revisions here update Overleaf v1 + BibTeX to Overleaf v2 + BibTeX because there were substantial changes. Then we can add the following rows and update all of the columns:

@slochower could you please take Authorea + BibTeX?

~@dhimmel or @vincerubinetti could you please take Manubot and Markdown on GitHub?~

~@vsmalladi would you be able to work on Google Docs + Paperpile and Word Online?~

I'll update all features for Overleaf v2 + BibTeX (#27).

Rather than orchestrate 3-5 separate pull requests, we can organize the updates here and make one pull request. We can introduce more footnotes if some of these answers are not straightforward for some platforms.

We can update that date of evaluation to say something like

We initially assessed features on June 15, 2018 using the free version of each platform and updated our assessment on April X, 2019 to add Overleaf v2 and columns A, B, and C

Finally, after we make these updates I'd like to ask Overleaf, Authorea, etc. to make sure we are being accurate. Maybe via Twitter?

slochower commented 5 years ago

~@agitter How do you want to handle the PR with regards to updating the Table. Should I create my own PR to update the Authorea + BibTeX row?~

Sorry, totally missed your comment:

Rather than orchestrate 3-5 separate pull requests, we can organize the updates here and make one pull request. We can introduce more footnotes if some of these answers are not straightforward for some platforms.

I'll update this comment with results for Authorea.

agitter commented 5 years ago

Thanks @slochower. I just created WIP #188 to start collecting these feature summaries.

Regarding Authorea:

I'm not sure what to call the Colorization of changes feature. We can decide that in #188 once we see what different platforms offer.

Overleaf Rich Text: image

slochower commented 5 years ago

Are those text formatting options (e.g. bold text) still controlled with LaTeX commands?

In "Scholarly Article Template", no I don't think so (it behaves just like a rich text editor where you can't see what happens under the hood, but the words just become bold). In "Scientific Paper", yes, you can see that the bolding action inserts \textbf{} surrounding the highlighted text. Scholarly Article Template behaves like Overleaf's Rich Text mode but, as far as I know, it's not based on LaTeX and therefore you can't see what's going on. Does that make sense?

Inline comments: Shall we summarize this as Yes or would you like to describe the limitations as well?

I think Yes is fine. We don't need to split hairs unless there is a reason.

agitter commented 5 years ago

We don't need to split hairs unless there is a reason.

I agree with that policy. Many of these are in a gray area, and we can err on the side of being generous.

I'll use Rich text available as the initial entry for Authorea and Overleaf in the WYSIWYG row.

agitter commented 5 years ago

I'll finish the remaining platforms. These new features are not that hard to update. #188 will need a careful review when it's ready.