Open findalexli opened 4 years ago
Hi Alex, Excited to see that you're trying to use some of the work in this repository. I'm actually not the owner so I'm going to tag @danich1 who is!
Greetings Alex, I believe your problem is an OS version issue. For linux things work fine, but not surprised MacOS is having issues. I think the quick fix for this situation is to move gensim and sqlalchemy onto the pip section and let pip handle the versioning.
Correct file (note the environment name change):
name: snorkeling
- conda-forge
- pytorch
- beautifulsoup4=4.6.0
- ipykernel=5.1.2
- ipywidgets=7.5.1
- jupyter=1.0.0
- jupyter_client=5.3.4
- jupyter_console=6.0.0
- jupyter_core=4.6.0
- llvmlite=0.21.0
- lxml==4.1.1
- matplotlib=3.1.1
- neo4j-python-driver==1.3.1
- networkx=2.1
- nltk=3.2.4
- numpy=1.17.2
- pandas=0.24.0
- pip=19.2.3
- plotnine=0.5.1
- psycopg2=
- python=3.6.7
- pytorch=1.1.0
- py4j=0.10.6
- requests=2.18.4
- seaborn=0.9.0
- scikit-image=0.13.1
- scikit-learn=0.21.3
- scipy=1.3.1
- six=1.12.0
- sqlite=3.30.0
- tensorflow==2.0.0
- tensorboard==2.0.0
- tqdm=4.28.1
- tika=1.15
- xlrd=1.1.0
- xlsxwriter=1.0.4
- pip:
- gensim==3.8.1
- hetio==0.2.6
- matplotlib-venn==0.11.5
- snorkel==0.9.1
- spacy==1.10.0
- sqlalchemy==1.1.13
Thank you, Alexandra and David. I appreciate the prompt reply.
A follow up question... the snorkel 0.9.1 does not contain a snorkel module. I am trying to run some notesbooks, like compound_disease/compound_treats_disease/dataset_statistics/dataset_statistics.ipynb, but it will not run.
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
Right. I figured that would happen. Reason for the error is that some of my notebooks was using snorkel's old version, before the authors upgraded their code. The old code was using a database to access sentences and other information and now the authors adapted their code to move away from using a database.
If you want to run the notebooks that use snorkel's old code, you will have to install this library as a separate conda environment.
Hi, I am having an issue while running the pubtator-to-postgres.ipynb file from the create_database folder.
PicklingError Traceback (most recent call last)
PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'snorkel.models.candidate.DiseaseGene'>: attribute lookup DiseaseGene on snorkel.models.candidate failed
This error arises because the pickle library cannot pickle sqlalchemy's candidate_subclass class. This is actually not an easy problem to fix. (see this post) If you want to get functionality working here you might have to edit snorkel's code directly. Turns out their old version is depreciated, so it adds to the complexity. FYI: I'm coming out with my own code to do the above extraction. Should be uploaded in a few weeks.
Thanks a lot David that would be really helpful.
I am having the following issue with installing the condo environment from YML file.