greenkeeper-keeper / hapi-greenkeeper-keeper

hapi plugin to automatically merge and clean up passing greenkeeper PRs
MIT License
5 stars 4 forks source link

Update nock to the latest version πŸš€ #602

Closed greenkeeper[bot] closed 5 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

The devDependency nock was updated from 10.0.6 to 11.1.0.

This version is not covered by your current version range.

If you don’t accept this pull request, your project will work just like it did before. However, you might be missing out on a bunch of new features, fixes and/or performance improvements from the dependency update.

Publisher: nockbot License: MIT

Find out more about this release.

FAQ and help There is a collection of [frequently asked questions]( If those don’t help, you can always [ask the humans behind Greenkeeper](

Your Greenkeeper bot :palm_tree:

ci-reporter[bot] commented 5 years ago

The build is failing

✨ Good work on this PR so far! ✨ Unfortunately, the Travis CI build is failing as of ca7af8b5125c123fb15cc22a5b53d682d7815d8c. Here's the output:

npm test
> hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released test /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
> npm-run-all --print-label --parallel lint:* --parallel test:*

[lint:js     ] 
[lint:js     ] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released lint:js /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[lint:js     ] > eslint . --cache
[lint:js     ] 
[lint:gherkin] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released lint:gherkin /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[lint:gherkin] > gherkin-lint
[lint:md     ] 
[lint:md     ] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released lint:md /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[lint:md     ] > globstar --node -- markdownlint **/*.md
[lint:md     ] 
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released test:unit /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[test:unit       ] > run-s coverage
[test:unit       ] 
[test:integration] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released test:integration /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[test:integration] > run-s 'test:integration:base -- --tags "not @wip"'
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released coverage /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[test:unit       ] > nyc run-s tests:unit:no-coverage
[test:unit       ] 
[test:integration] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released test:integration:base /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[test:integration] > cucumber-js test/integration --require-module babel-register --format-options '{"snippetInterface": "async-await"}' "--tags" "not @wip"
[test:integration] (node:5260) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
[test:integration] .
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ] > hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released tests:unit:no-coverage /home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper
[test:unit       ] > mocha --recursive test/unit
[test:unit       ] 
[test:integration] ........190904/033332.720, (1567568012566:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pir6x:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033332.566, (1567568012566:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pir6x:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (188ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033332.765, (1567568012566:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pir6x:10000) [request,info,PR,passing-status] data: statuses verified, continuing...
[test:integration] ...190904/033332.781, (1567568012566:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pir6x:10000) [request,info,PR,accepted] data: {"owner":"omokajet","repo":"jiileulo","number":4959883109597184}
[test:integration] ...........190904/033332.842, (1567568012818:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirr4:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033332.818, (1567568012818:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirr4:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (32ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033332.858, (1567568012818:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirr4:10000) [request,info,PR,no commit statuses] data: no commit statuses listed, continuing...
[test:integration] ...190904/033332.870, (1567568012818:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirr4:10000) [request,info,PR,accepted] data: {"owner":"zuweifo","repo":"wegpegvod","number":8665344910557184}
[test:integration] ...........190904/033332.958, (1567568012937:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piru5:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033332.937, (1567568012937:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piru5:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (29ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033332.975, (1567568012937:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piru5:10000) [request,info,PR,passing-status] data: statuses verified, continuing...
[test:integration] 190904/033332.975, (1567568012937:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piru5:10000) [request,info,PR,no check-runs] data: no check_runs listed, continuing...
[test:integration] ...190904/033332.984, (1567568012937:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piru5:10000) [request,info,PR,accepted] data: {"owner":"gazopet","repo":"bodudag","number":8730282330947584}
[test:integration] ......190904/033333.022, (1567568013022:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirwr:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (2ms)
[test:integration] .....(node:5260) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 close listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
[test:integration] ...190904/033333.087, (1567568013085:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirya:10000) [request,PR] data: state was `foo` instead of `success`
[test:integration] 190904/033333.088, (1567568013085:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirya:10000) [request,PR] data: skipping
[test:integration] 190904/033333.085, (1567568013085:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pirya:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (3ms)
[test:integration] ..........190904/033333.146, (1567568013146:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis07:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (27ms)
[test:integration] .......190904/033333.215, (1567568013214:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis26:10000) [request,PR] data: state was `pending` instead of `success`
[test:integration] 190904/033333.216, (1567568013214:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis26:10000) [request,PR] data: skipping
[test:integration] 190904/033333.214, (1567568013214:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis26:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (2ms)
[test:integration] .........190904/033333.277, (1567568013277:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis3u:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (26ms)
[test:integration] ........190904/033333.337, (1567568013336:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis5s:10000) [request,PR] data: branch name `master` should not be `master`
[test:integration] 190904/033333.337, (1567568013336:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis5s:10000) [request,PR] data: skipping
[test:integration] 190904/033333.336, (1567568013336:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis5s:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (2ms)
[test:integration] .....(node:5260) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 end listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
[test:integration] (node:5260) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 error listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
[test:integration] (node:5260) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 finish listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
[test:integration] ...190904/033333.356, (1567568013355:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis69:10000) [request,PR] data: expected 1 branch, but found 2
[test:integration] 190904/033333.356, (1567568013355:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis69:10000) [request,PR] data: skipping
[test:integration] 190904/033333.355, (1567568013355:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis69:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (2ms)
[test:integration] ..........190904/033333.374, (1567568013374:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis6s:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (11ms)
[test:integration] .......190904/033333.417, (1567568013415:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis7t:10000) [request,PR] data: check_run status was `in_progress` instead of `completed`
[test:integration] 190904/033333.418, (1567568013415:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis7t:10000) [request,PR] data: skipping
[test:integration] 190904/033333.415, (1567568013415:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis7t:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 400 (4ms)
[test:integration] .............190904/033333.487, (1567568013465:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis92:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033333.465, (1567568013465:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis92:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (27ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033333.496, (1567568013465:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis92:10000) [request,info,PR,passing-status] data: statuses verified, continuing...
[test:integration] ...190904/033333.505, (1567568013465:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pis92:10000) [request,info,PR,accepted] data: {"owner":"kogijko","repo":"hiverre","number":8604481136623616}
[test:integration] ...........190904/033333.592, (1567568013561:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisb3:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033333.561, (1567568013561:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisb3:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (33ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033333.595, (1567568013561:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisb3:10000) [request,info,PR,no commit statuses] data: no commit statuses listed, continuing...
[test:integration] ...190904/033333.602, (1567568013561:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisb3:10000) [request,info,PR,accepted] data: {"owner":"gigensi","repo":"iwawivem","number":5436469640429568}
[test:integration] ...........190904/033333.656, (1567568013634:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisdu:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033333.634, (1567568013634:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisdu:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (27ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033333.664, (1567568013634:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisdu:10000) [request,info,PR,passing-status] data: statuses verified, continuing...
[test:integration] 190904/033333.665, (1567568013634:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisdu:10000) [request,info,PR,no check-runs] data: no check_runs listed, continuing...
[test:integration] ...190904/033333.673, (1567568013634:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisdu:10000) [request,info,PR,accepted] data: {"owner":"warusbel","repo":"uriilukib","number":4061673547628544}
[test:integration] ..........190904/033333.775, (1567568013743:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisg5:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033333.743, (1567568013743:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisg5:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (42ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033333.789, (1567568013743:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisg5:10000) [request,error,PR,failure status] data: found failed status, rejecting...
[test:integration] 190904/033333.796, (1567568013743:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisg5:10000) [request,error,PR] message: A failed status was found for this PR., stack: FailedStatusFoundError: A failed status was found for this PR.
[test:integration]     at allStatusesAreSuccessful (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:23:13)
[test:integration]     at ensureAcceptability (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:67:12)
[test:integration]     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[test:integration] 190904/033333.827, (1567568013743:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pisg5:10000) [request,failed to log comment against the PR: HttpError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1] data: (none)
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ]   github actions
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that the PR gets requested by issue number
[test:unit       ]     ensure PR can be accepted
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the passing status is acceptable
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the failing status results in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the pending status results in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the pending status does not result in rejection if no statuses are listed
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an invalid status results in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that completed check_runs are acceptable
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that pending check_runs result in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a check_run with a `failure` conclusion results in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a check_run with a `cancelled` conclusion results in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a check_run with a `timed_out` conclusion results in rejection
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a check_run with an `action_required` conclusion results in rejection
[test:unit       ]     accept PR
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the referenced PR gets accepted
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a merge failure is reported appropriately
[test:unit       ]     comments
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error comment is posted
[test:unit       ]     PRs for a commit
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that PRs with HEAD matching a commit are fetched
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ]   greenkeeper
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that the users are defined to match the greenkeeper bots
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that true is returned for the bot used for the legacy bot
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that true is returned for the bot used for the github integration
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that false is returned if not opened by a greenkeeper bot
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ]   handler
[test:unit       ]     `status` event
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the webhook is accepted and processed for a successful status and a matching greenkeeper PR
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request when the state is not `success`
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request when commit is on multiple branches
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request when commit is on master
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request if there are no PRs for the commit
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a server-error is returned if the list of PRs for the commit is greater than one
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request if the PR is not from greenkeeper
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a server-error is reported if the fetching of related PRs fails
[test:unit       ]     `check_run` event
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the webhook is accepted and processed for a successful check_run and a matching greenkeeper PR
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the webhook is accepted and processed for a neutral check_run and a matching greenkeeper PR
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request when the status is not `completed`
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request when the conclusion is not `success`
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request when commit is on master
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request if there are no PRs for the commit
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a server-error is returned if the list of PRs for the commit is greater than one
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the response is bad-request if the PR is not from greenkeeper
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a server-error is reported if the fetching of related PR fails
[test:unit       ]     `ping` event
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a 204 response is provided for a ping request
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that a 415 response is sent when the ping shows that the hook is not configured to send json
[test:unit       ]     other statuses
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that response is bad-request when the webhook event is not `pull_request` or `status
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ]   plugin
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that the plugin is defined properly
[test:unit       ]     responses
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that the payload gets validated and processed
[test:unit       ]     options validation
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if no options are provided
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if the github config is not provided
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if the github config is not an object
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if the github token is not provided
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if the github token is an inappropriate type
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if the `acceptAction` setting is not provided
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if the accept-action is not provided as an appropriate type
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that an error is thrown if an invalid accept-action is not provided
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that no error is thrown if a valid accept-type is provided
[test:unit       ]       βœ“ that no error occurs for valid config
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ]   process
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that processing a greenkeeper PR confirms that it can be merged, merges
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that failing status checks causes a comment to be logged against the PR and prevents PR acceptance
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that pending statuses when polling is disabled does not result in a comment
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that failing to merge the PR causes a comment to be logged against the PR
[test:unit       ]     βœ“ that a rejection from the comment call is caught
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ]   57 passing (285ms)
[test:unit       ] 
[test:unit       ] ----------------------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|-------------------|
[test:unit       ] File                              |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
[test:unit       ] ----------------------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|-------------------|
[test:unit       ] All files                         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]  src                              |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   greenkeeper.js                  |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   handler.js                      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   plugin.js                       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   process.js                      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]  src/errors                       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   failed-check-run-found-error.js |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   failed-status-found-error.js    |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   invalid-status-found-error.js   |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   merge-failure-error.js          |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]  src/github                       |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   actions.js                      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ]   octokit-factory-wrapper.js      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
[test:unit       ] ----------------------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|-------------------|
[test:integration] F--.F........190904/033338.803, (1567568018792:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piwct:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033338.792, (1567568018792:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piwct:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (14ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033338.808, (1567568018792:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piwct:10000) [request,info,PR,passing-status] data: statuses verified, continuing...
[test:integration] 190904/033338.809, (1567568018792:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piwct:10000) [request,error,PR,failure check_run] data: found failed check_run, rejecting...
[test:integration] 190904/033338.810, (1567568018792:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piwct:10000) [request,error,PR] message: A failed check_run was found for this PR., stack: FailedCheckRunFoundError: A failed check_run was found for this PR.
[test:integration]     at checkRuns.forEach (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:46:13)
[test:integration]     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
[test:integration]     at allCheckRunsAreSuccessful (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:38:13)
[test:integration]     at ensureAcceptability (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:68:7)
[test:integration]     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[test:integration] 190904/033338.813, (1567568018792:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04piwct:10000) [request,failed to log comment against the PR: HttpError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1] data: (none)
[test:integration] F--.F........190904/033343.843, (1567568023819:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj08s:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033343.819, (1567568023819:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj08s:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (27ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033343.847, (1567568023819:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj08s:10000) [request,error,PR,failure status] data: found failed status, rejecting...
[test:integration] 190904/033343.848, (1567568023819:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj08s:10000) [request,error,PR] message: A failed status was found for this PR., stack: FailedStatusFoundError: A failed status was found for this PR.
[test:integration]     at allStatusesAreSuccessful (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:23:13)
[test:integration]     at ensureAcceptability (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:67:12)
[test:integration]     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[test:integration] 190904/033343.849, (1567568023819:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj08s:10000) [request,failed to log comment against the PR: HttpError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1] data: (none)
190904/033348.935, (1567568028918:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj45r:10000) [request,info,PR,validating] data:
[test:integration] 190904/033348.918, (1567568028918:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj45r:10000) [response] http://travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2: post /payload {} 202 (19ms)
[test:integration] 190904/033348.941, (1567568028918:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj45r:10000) [request,info,PR,passing-status] data: statuses verified, continuing...
[test:integration] 190904/033348.953, (1567568028918:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj45r:10000) [request,error,PR] message: An attempt to merge this PR failed. HttpError: Pull Request is not mergeable, stack: MergeFailureError: An attempt to merge this PR failed. HttpError: Pull Request is not mergeable
[test:integration]     at octokit.pullRequests.merge.then.catch.err (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/src/github/actions.js:87:36)
[test:integration]     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[test:integration] 190904/033348.958, (1567568028918:travis-job-daa65c92-8a0f-44e6-8799-90f6710484f2:5260:k04pj45r:10000) [request,failed to log comment against the PR: HttpError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1] data: (none)
[test:integration] F--.F
[test:integration] Failures:
[test:integration] 1) Scenario: commit status failure # test/integration/features/unsuccessful-processing.feature:3
[test:integration]    βœ” Before # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:34
[test:integration]    βœ” Given the server is configured # test/integration/features/step_definitions/server-steps.js:9
[test:integration]    βœ” And the webhook is for a status event and a success state # test/integration/features/step_definitions/webhook-steps.js:12
[test:integration]    βœ” And the commit is only on one, non-master branch # test/integration/features/step_definitions/webhook-steps.js:33
[test:integration]    βœ” And the PR was submitted by the greenkeeper integration # test/integration/features/step_definitions/pr-steps.js:6
[test:integration]    βœ” And an open PR exists for the commit # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:50
[test:integration]    βœ” And the check_run results resolve to success # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:116
[test:integration]    βœ” But the commit statuses resolve to failure # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:98
[test:integration]    βœ– When the webhook is received # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:8
[test:integration]        Error: function timed out, ensure the promise resolves within 5000 milliseconds
[test:integration]            at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/node_modules/cucumber/src/user_code_runner.js:61:18)
[test:integration]            at ontimeout (timers.js:436:1 βœ” And the webhook is for a status event and a success state # test/integration/features/step_definitions/webhook-steps.js:12
[test:integration]    βœ” And the commit is only on one, non-master branch # test/integration/features/step_definitions/webhook-steps.js:33
[test:integration]    βœ” And the PR was submitted by the greenkeeper integration # test/integration/features/step_definitions/pr-steps.js:6
[test:integration]    βœ” And an open PR exists for the commit # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:50
[test:integration]    βœ” And the commit statuses resolve to success # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:98
[test:integration]    βœ” But the check_run results resolve to failure # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:116
[test:integration]    βœ– When the webhook is received # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:8
[test:integration]        Error: function timed out, ensure the promise resolves within 5000 milliseconds
[test:integration]            at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/node_modules/cucumber/src/user_code_runner.js:61:18)
[test:integration]            at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
[test:integration]            at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
[test:integration]            at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)
[test:integration]            at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)
[test:integration]    - Then the webhook response confirms that it will be processed # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:30
[test:integration]    βœ” And an open PR exists for the commit # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:50
[test:integration]    βœ” And the check_run results resolve to success # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:116
[test:integration]    βœ” But the commit statuses resolve to failure # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:98
[test:integration]    βœ– When the webhook is received # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:8
[test:integration]        Error: function timed out, ensure the promise resolves within 5000 milliseconds
[test:integration]            at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/node_modules/cucumber/src/user_code_runner.js:61:18)
[test:integration]            at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
[test:integration]            at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
[test:integration]            at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)
[test:integration]            at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)
[test:integration]    - Then the webhook response confirms that it will be processed # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:30
[test:integration]    - And a comment is made against the PR: A failed status was found for this PR. # test/integration/features/step_definitions/errors-steps.js:4
[test:integration]    βœ” After # test/integration/features/step_definitions/server-steps.js:5
[test:integration]    βœ– After # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:43
[test:integration]        AssertionError: pending mocks: POST expected false to be true
[test:integration]            + expected - actual
[test:integration]            -false
[test:integration]            +true
[test:integration]            at World.<anonymous> (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:44:10)
[test:integration] 4) Scenario: merge failure # test/integration/features/unsuccessful-processing.feature:51
[test:integration]    βœ” Before # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:34
[test:integration]    βœ” Given the server is configured # test/integration/features/step_definitions/server-steps.js:9
[test:integration]    βœ” And the webhook is for a status event and a success state # test/integration/features/step_definitions/webhook-steps.js:12
[test:integration]    βœ” And the commit is only on one, non-master branch # test/integration/features/step_definitions/webhook-steps.js:33
[test:integration]    βœ” And the PR was submitted by the greenkeeper integration # test/integration/features/step_definitions/pr-steps.js:6
[test:integration]    βœ” And the check_run results resolve to success # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:116
[test:integration]    βœ” And the commit statuses resolve to success # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:98
[test:integration]    βœ” And an open PR exists for the commit # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:50
[test:integration]    βœ” But the PR cannot be merged # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:196
[test:integration]    βœ– When the webhook is received # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:8
[test:integration]        Error: function timed out, ensure the promise resolves within 5000 milliseconds
[test:integration]            at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/travis/build/greenkeeper-keeper/hapi-greenkeeper-keeper/node_modules/cucumber/src/user_code_runner.js:61:18)
[test:integration]            at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
[test:integration]            at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
[test:integration]            at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)
[test:integration]            at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)
[test:integration]    - Then the webhook response confirms that it will be processed # test/integration/features/step_definitions/common-steps.js:30
[test:integration]    - And a comment is made against the PR: An attempt to merge this PR failed. # test/integration/features/step_definitions/errors-steps.js:4
[test:integration]    βœ” After # test/integration/features/step_definitions/server-steps.js:5
[test:integration]    βœ– After # test/integration/features/step_definitions/github-api-steps.js:43
[test:integration]        AssertionError: pending mocks: POST expected false to be true
[test:integration]            + expected - actual
[test:integration]            -false
[test:integration]            +true
xited with 1.
[test:integration] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
[test:integration] npm ERR! errno 1
[test:integration] npm ERR! hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released test:integration: `run-s 'test:integration:base -- --tags "not @wip"'`
[test:integration] npm ERR! Exit status 1
[test:integration] npm ERR! 
[test:integration] npm ERR! Failed at the hapi-greenkeeper-keeper@0.0.0-semantically-released test:integration script.
[test:integration] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[test:integration] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[test:integration] npm ERR!     /home/travis/.npm/_logs/2019-09-04T03_33_54_017Z-debug.log
[test:integration] ERROR: "test:integration" exited with 1.

I'm sure you can fix it! If you need help, don't hesitate to ask a maintainer of the project!

This comment was automagically generated by ci-reporter. If you see a problem, open an issue here.
greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Update to this version instead πŸš€

Release Notes for v11

Upgrading from Nock 10 to Nock 11

Bug fixes and internal improvements

Nock 11 includes many under-the-hood improvements, including a fully offline
test suite and 100% test coverage. The codebase was also converted to ES6
syntax and formatted with Prettier. Leaning on the test coverage, some
substantial refactors have begun.

Many bug fixes are included. See the detailed changelog below or the
compare view for details.

Fabulous new features for developers

  1. The library ships with TypeScript definitions. (Added in v11.3)
  2. Add support for the http.request signatures added in Node 10.9
  3. Scopes can be filtered using the system environment or any external factor
    using e.g. .conditionally(() => true)
  4. In-flight modifications to headers are preserved in mock requests.
  5. Recorded mocks can be stringified using custom code in the afterRecord()
    post-processing hook. When afterRecord() returns a string, the
    recorder will no longer attempt to re-stringify it. (Added in v11.3)
  6. Reply functions passed to .reply() can now be async/promise-returning.
  7. Specifying reply headers, either via .reply() or .defaultReplyHeaders(),
    can now be done consistently using an object, Map, or flat array.

Breaking changes

For many developers no code changes will be needed. However, there are several
minor changes to the API, and it's possible that you will need to update your
code for Nock to keep working properly. It's unlikely that your tests will
falsely pass; what's more probable is that your tests will fail until the
necessary changes are made.

  1. Nock 11 requires Node 8 or later. Nock supports and tests all the "current"
    and "maintenance" versions of Node. As of now, that's Node 8, 10, and 12.

  2. In Nock 10, when reply() was invoked with a function, the return values were
    handled ambiguously depending on their types.

    Consider the following example:

    const scope = nock('')
      .reply(200, () => [500, 'hello world'])

    In Nock 10, the 200 was ignored, the 500 was interpreted as the status
    code, and the body would contain 'hello world'. This caused problems
    when the goal was to return a numeric array, so in Nock 11, the 200 is
    properly interpreted as the status code, and [500, 'hello world'] as the

    These are the correct calls for Nock 11:

    const scope = nock('')
      .reply(500, 'hello world')
    const scope = nock('')
      .reply(500, () => 'hello world')

    The .reply() method can be called with explicit arguments:

    .reply() // `statusCode` defaults to `200`.
    .reply(statusCode) // `responseBody` defaults to `''`.
    .reply(statusCode, responseBody) // `headers` defaults to `{}`.
    .reply(statusCode, responseBody, headers)

    It can be called with a status code and a function that returns an array:

    .reply(statusCode, (path, requestBody) => responseBody)
    .reply(statusCode, (path, requestBody) => responseBody, headers)

    Alternatively the status code can be included in the array:

    .reply((path, requestBody) => [statusCode])
    .reply((path, requestBody) => [statusCode, responseBody])
    .reply((path, requestBody) => [statusCode, responseBody, headers])
    .reply((path, requestBody) => [statusCode, responseBody], headers)

    .reply() can also be called with an async or promise-returning function. The
    signatures are identical, e.g.

    .reply(async (path, requestBody) => [statusCode, responseBody])
    .reply(statusCode, async (path, requestBody) => responseBody)

    Finally, an error-first callback can be used, e.g.:

    .reply((path, requestBody, cb) => cb(undefined, [statusCode, responseBody]))
    .reply(statusCode, (path, requestBody, cb) => cb(undefined, responseBody))
  3. In Nock 10, errors in user-provided reply functions were caught by Nock, and
    generated HTTP rersponses with status codes of 500. In Nock 11 these errors
    are not caught, and instead are re-emitted through the request, like any
    other error that occurs during request processing.

    Consider the following example:

    const scope = nock('')
      .reply(201, (uri, requestBody, cb) => {
        fs.readFile('cat-poems.txt', cb) // Error-first callback

    When fs.readFile() errors in Nock 10, a 500 error was emitted. To get the
    same effect in Nock 11, the example would need to be rewritten to:

    const scope = nock('')
      .reply((uri, requestBody, cb) => {
        fs.readFile('cat-poems.txt', (err, contents) => {
          if (err) {
            cb([500, err.stack])
          } else {
            cb([201, contents])
  4. When .reply() is invoked with something other than a whole number status
    code or a function, Nock 11 raises a new error Invalid ... value for status code.

  5. Callback functions provided to the .query method now receive the result of
    instead of qs.parse.

    In particular, querystring.parse does not interpret keys with JSON
    path notation:

    querystring.parse('foo[bar]=baz') // { "foo[bar]": 'baz' }
    qs.parse('foo[bar]=baz') // { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }
  6. In Nock 10, duplicate field names provided to the .query() method were
    silently ignored. We decided this was probably hiding unintentionally bugs
    and causing frustration with users. In Nock 11, attempts to provide query
    params more than once will throw a new error
    Query parameters have aleady been defined. This could happen by calling
    .query() twice, or by calling .query() after specifying a literal query
    string via the path.

      .query({ foo: 'bar' })
      .query({ baz: 'qux' }) // <-- will throw
      .query({ baz: 'qux' }) // <-- will throw
  7. Paths in Nock have always required a leading slash. e.g.

    const scope = nock('')

    In Nock 10, if the leading slash was missing the mock would never match. In
    Nock 11, this raises an error.

  8. The reqheaders parameter should be provided as a plain object, e.g.
    nock('', { reqheaders: { X-Foo: 'bar' }}). When the
    headers are specified incorrectly as e.g. { reqheaders: 1 }, Nock 10 would
    behave in unpredictable ways. In Nock 11, a new error
    Headers must be provided as an object is thrown.

    nock('', { reqheaders: 1 })
  9. In Nock 10, the ClientRequest instance wrapped the native on method
    and aliased once to it. In Nock 11, this been removed and request.once
    will correctly call registered listeners...once.

  10. In Nock 10, when the method was not specified in a call to nock.define(),
    the method would default GET. In Nock 11, this raises an error.

  11. In very old versions of nock, recordings may include a response status
    code encoded as a string in the reply field. In Nock 10 these strings could
    be non-numeric. In Nock 11 this raises an error.

Updates to the mock surface

  1. For parity with a real response, a mock request correctly supports all
    the overrides to request.end(), including request.end(cb) in Node 12.
  2. For parity with a real response, errors from the .destroy() method
    are propagated correctly. (Added in v11.3)
  3. For parity with a real response, the .complete property is set when
    ending the response.
  4. For parity with a real Socket, the mock Socket has an unref() function
    (which does nothing).

If you discover bugs in this release, please open a bug report on the Nock repo. πŸ›

Detailed changelog


  • uncaught errors thrown inside of user provided reply functions, whether async or not, will no longer be caught, and will no longer generate a successful response with a status code of 500. Instead, the error will be emitted by the request just like any other unhandled error during the request processing.
  • The only argument passed to the Interceptor.query callback now receives the output from querystring.parse instead of qs.parse. This means that instead of nested objects the argument will be a flat object.
  • interceptor: Attempting to call Interceptor.query twice throws an error.
  • interceptor: Providing a duplicate search parameter to the query
    method throws an error instead of ignoring subsequent values.
  • Drop support for Node 6


Bug Fixes

Code Refactoring


The new version differs by 10 commits.

  • 65a8a6a fix(types): use export = and declares (#1695)
  • d86245f refactor: Refactor net connect tests (#1688)
  • ad000ef docs: Add "Common issues" section documenting got automatic retrying (#1687)
  • 8e78ffe style: Minor style improvements (#1693)
  • 949d264 test: Add todo test for conflict between hostnames (#1109)
  • 057bbdf fix: add extension to main field in package.json (#1683)
  • 89eb03a refactor: replace some lodash usage with native (#1685)
  • 6ca2bd3 Update eslint-config-standard to the latest version πŸš€ (#1681)
  • e0930f8 feat: afterRecord support for custom formatting after recording. (#1682)
  • de9c40b feat(socket): propagate errors from destroy method (#1675)

See the full diff

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Update to this version instead πŸš€

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Update to this version instead πŸš€

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Update to this version instead πŸš€

keeper-bot commented 5 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 2.1.9 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket: