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Learn signals and threading #4

Open murpjack opened 6 months ago

murpjack commented 6 months ago

A ticket to put thoughts and questions against.

It may be good to document any decisions made in a README , CHANGELOG, or RELEASE file.


On what signals should we respond? And in what ways? ie What should happen on each signal What are best-practices? What are other people doing?


How many threads do we need? Are there pros/cons to having multiple threads vs multiple processes? When should the program create a new thread? When should a thread be removed? How is this handled in Rust apps?

miltonio94 commented 6 months ago

As to Signals, I don't think we need to concern ourselves with it any more, refer to my comment on #2 .

miltonio94 commented 6 months ago

As to the question of multi threading vs multi processing, I don't think multi processing is an option we have, check this article

miltonio94 commented 6 months ago

As to the other questions, I don't think we can answer them upfront. I think these are things that will reveal themselves as we explore the program

miltonio94 commented 6 months ago

disregard my comment on multi processing vs multi threading above