greenlaw110 / greenscript

A tool help web developers manage javascript/css rendering, including minimize and dependence management
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I don't get the dependencies #11

Closed orefalo closed 13 years ago

orefalo commented 13 years ago

You have a great plugin, but honestly.. all the css problems I am finding are related to the dependency management.

First, the config is twisted it should go Source -> destinations like in the new dependencies.yml

Second, my ui logic is spread across several modules. I use tags in my templates and these tags are defined in modules. as a consequence my css and js files are not in the main public/stylesheet folder but in the module's



then mymodule/app/views/tags/input.html has a reference such as

{css 'ugot/forms.css'/}

finally, the app calls the tag from the module

{input blablabla /}

I tried every combinaison, the file in correctly picked up, but the dependency doesn't work. I don't know how to reference a file that is in a folder or worst.. in a subfolder.

Thank you

greenlaw110 commented 13 years ago

Fixed in 1.2d