greenlaw110 / greenscript

A tool help web developers manage javascript/css rendering, including minimize and dependence management
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Greenscript not working with Bootstrap 2.0 #45

Closed zbindenren closed 12 years ago

zbindenren commented 12 years ago

I get the following error: 09:08:31,839 WARN ~ error compile less file: /public/stylesheets/bootstrap.less, error: Parse Error: Syntax Error on line 396 (line 396, column 8) near .reset-filter() { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);

This error is fixed in less.js 1.3 and should be added to greenscript:

BR, Rene

zbindenren commented 12 years ago

Version Info. Greenscript: 1.2.8a Play 1.4

greenlaw110 commented 12 years ago

This is a duplicated issue with