greenpau / caddy-security

🔐 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) App and Plugin for Caddy v2. 💎 Implements Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 (Github, Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.), SAML Authentication. MFA/2FA with App Authenticators and Yubico. 💎 Authorization with JWT/PASETO tokens. 🔐
Apache License 2.0
1.32k stars 69 forks source link

Can not create locally hosted minimal instance for debug/test/error reproduction #347

Open MrChadMWood opened 3 weeks ago

MrChadMWood commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the issue

I am having issues creating a basic instance of Caddy that utilizes authentication / authorization via caddy-security locally. With the below configuration, authentication works fine. Authorization fails for an unknown reason, resulting in infinity redirects until the browser stops it.



    order authenticate before respond
    order authorize before basicauth

    security {
        local identity store localdb {
            realm local
            path {$HOME}/.local/caddy/users.json

        authentication portal myportal {
            crypto default token lifetime 3600
            crypto key sign-verify debugtoken54321
            enable identity store localdb
            transform user {
                match origin local
                action add role authp/user

        authorization policy mypolicy {
            set auth url https://auth.localhost/
            allow roles authp/user
            crypto key verify debugtoken54321
            inject header "X-User-Email" from "userinfo|email"

auth.localhost {
    route {
        authenticate with myportal

caddy.localhost {
  authorize with mypolicy
  respond "Hello World"

Version Information

Provide output of caddy list-modules --versions | grep -E "(auth|security)" below:

http.authentication.hashes.bcrypt v2.7.6
http.authentication.hashes.scrypt v2.7.6
http.authentication.providers.http_basic v2.7.6
http.handlers.authentication v2.7.6
tls.client_auth.leaf v2.7.6
http.authentication.providers.authorizer v1.1.29
http.handlers.authenticator v1.1.29
security v1.1.29

Expected behavior

I expected login to work using the default webadmin users credentials. Authentication does work, but authorization causes infinite redirects. The caddy.localhost response is thus never received.

Additional context

I am using docker. See my docker.compose.yml;

      context: .
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
      - ./config/:/config
      - ./data/:/data

with Dockerfile:

FROM caddy:${CADDY_VERSION}-builder AS builder

RUN xcaddy build \
    --with \

FROM caddy:${CADDY_VERSION}-alpine

COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy
greenpau commented 3 weeks ago

@MrChadMWood , see

I suspect cookie insecure on is missing.

You might also need cookie domain localhost. You really should not, but people had that issue.

See this issue for config snippets:

If you still running into issue, feel free to reach out on Linkedin and we can get on Google Meet to troubleshoot.