greenpeace / planet4-docker-compose-dev

Planet4 docker compose dev environment
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Install issues #2

Open kittmcgregor opened 6 years ago

kittmcgregor commented 6 years ago

Errors during install:

planet4 | Success: WP-CLI is at the latest version. planet4 | Cloning into 'planet4-plugin-engagingnetworks''... planet4 | fatal: I don't handle protocol ''https' planet4 | Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install. planet4 | Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download. planet4 | Running composer update and docker-site-update planet4 | Loading composer repositories with package information planet4 | Updating dependencies (including require-dev) planet4 | planet4 | Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error planet4 | Retrying with degraded mode, check for more info planet4 | Nothing to install or update planet4 | Generating autoload files planet4 | planet4 |
planet4 | [Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException]
planet4 | Command "docker-site-update" is not defined.
planet4 |
planet4 | Did you mean this?
planet4 | docker-site-install
planet4 |
planet4 | planet4 | Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install. planet4 | Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download. planet4 | Create dev user. planet4 | planet4 | planet4 |
planet4 | [Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException]
planet4 | Command "core:add-super-admin-user" is not defined.
planet4 |
planet4 | Did you mean one of these?
planet4 | core:config
planet4 | core:install
planet4 | core:updatedb
planet4 | core:initial-content
planet4 | core:add-author-capabilities
planet4 | core:add-contributor-capabilities
planet4 | core:style
planet4 | core:js
planet4 | core:js-minify
planet4 |
planet4 | planet4 | grep: /var/www/html/public/wp-config.php: No such file or directory planet4 | sed: can't read /var/www/html/public/wp-config.php: No such file or directory planet4 | cp: cannot stat '/var/www/html/public/wp-content/plugins/wp-redis/object-cache.php': No such file or directory planet4 | > pscss -f=compressed public/wp-content/themes/planet4-master-theme/assets/scss/style.scss > public/wp-content/themes/planet4-master-theme/style.css planet4 | sh: 1: cannot create public/wp-content/themes/planet4-master-theme/style.css: Directory nonexistent planet4 | Script pscss -f=compressed public/wp-content/themes/planet4-master-theme/assets/scss/style.scss > public/wp-content/themes/planet4-master-theme/style.css handling the core:style event returned with error code 2 planet4 | Starting pfp-fpm

kirdia commented 6 years ago

Hello Kitt, can you please post your configuration (docker-compose.override.yml) The errors for docker-site-update and core:add-super-admin-user are known and will be removed with a future commit. Did you mount your local planet4-base repo to the environment (step 10 in README) ?

kittmcgregor commented 6 years ago

Yes - see below

bash-3.2$ ls Applications Desktop Library Pictures gpnz-live-action-feed Box Sync Documents Movies Public kitt_pw7 Creative Cloud Files Downloads Music backups p4 bash-3.2$ cd p4 bash-3.2$ ls install planet4-base plugins mysql planet4-docker-compose-dev bash-3.2$

docker-compose.override.txt docker-compose.txt