Observe that a simple front page request takes a long time (over 10 seconds)
time curl -I http://www.planet4.test/
curl -I http://www.planet4.test/ 0.00s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 16.299 total
open docker desktop and go to 'Containers'
pick the CLI container
navigate to the "Exec" tab
run time wp plugin list
Observe it is very slow - like 10 seconds
Run wp plugin deactivate elasticpress
Again run time wp plugin list
Observe that it is now much faster (less than 1 second)
After this, observe that the page load time is much faster - less than 1 second.
time curl -I http://www.planet4.test/
curl -I http://www.planet4.test/ 0.00s user 0.00s system 3% cpu 0.252 total
Now run wp plugin activate elasticpress
And again run time wp plugin list and observe that it's back up to 10+ seconds
Using query-monitor wp plugin, we see:
So the issue is caused by some elasticpress network requests which time out.
We can track down why elasticpress is making those requests by looking at the plugin setting page:
"There is a problem with connecting to your Elasticsearch host. ElasticPress can try your host again, or you may need to change your settings. Response error: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5002 milliseconds"
Where did you find the bug?
What went wrong?
Page load time is 16+ seconds
Here's the problem:
Observe that a simple front page request takes a long time (over 10 seconds)
time wp plugin list
wp plugin deactivate elasticpress
time wp plugin list
After this, observe that the page load time is much faster - less than 1 second.
Now run
wp plugin activate elasticpress
And again runtime wp plugin list
and observe that it's back up to 10+ secondsUsing query-monitor wp plugin, we see:
So the issue is caused by some elasticpress network requests which time out.
We can track down why elasticpress is making those requests by looking at the plugin setting page:
Where does this value come from?? See https://support.greenpeace.org/planet4/tech/elasticsearch
Do you have screenshots?
Screenshots above