greenpress / vuex-composition-helpers

A util package to use Vuex with Composition API easily.
MIT License
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How to use getters from more than one store module? #75

Closed sacboulardii closed 1 year ago

sacboulardii commented 1 year ago

I successfully implemented vuex composition helpers to get the getters of one of my modules, now i don't know how to proceed to get helpers from different namespaced store modules, I tried importing createNamespacedHelpers and giving module/getter arguments as strings to useGetters Array param, but it didn't work, nor did i encounter such example in the documentation. Is it possible to achieve something like that?

const { getCountriesList, isCountriesListAvailable, othergetter } = useGetters([

'countries/getCountriesList', 'countries/isCountriesListAvailable', 'anothermodule/othergetter,


davidmeirlevy commented 1 year ago

It seems to fit more as a question in stack overflow and not as an issue to the code base. Am I right?

sacboulardii commented 1 year ago

You're right, i'm sorry for that, closed.

davidmeirlevy commented 1 year ago

Don't be. And share the link to the SO question.