greenrivers / grav-plugin-webp

Grav Webp plugin.
MIT License
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I can't reach my images after webp conversion #12

Closed paulettepaillette closed 8 months ago

paulettepaillette commented 8 months ago

Thanks for creating this plugin! I installed it, and converted my website images. They are now in the folder user > webp > user > pages > 03.project > 01.project-1 When I'm trying to display these images but it doesn't work. I tried this code to display every page media :

    {% for image in %}
        <li><img src="{{ image.url|webp }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" class="projet-image" /></li>
     {% endfor %}

How can I make it work with your plugin? Thanks

MajorKuprich commented 8 months ago

Hello @paulettepaillette,

At the first make sure that You met the requirements from the docs:

Did You clear cache after convert images?

Could You provide info about:


paulettepaillette commented 8 months ago

Hello @MajorKuprich,

Thanks for your answer. The requirements seems ok : GD is enabled, webp and PHP Exif too. I'm not sure about the libwebp-dev.

I cleared the cache yes.

For the infos:


MajorKuprich commented 8 months ago

Hi @paulettepaillette,

Looks fine for me, thx for Your further details. In this case the only idea I have is access to Your project (for example repository in Github) to find out what's going wrong. I would run Your project on my local environment to make sure that everything is ok from the plugin side. If there are errors on my local environment related to my plugin I will try to fix them. Let me know if this okay for You.

Cheers :-)

paulettepaillette commented 8 months ago

Thanks a lot for your answer, that's so nice. I send you an invite to the gitub repository. I put it in private.

Have a great day 😊

MajorKuprich commented 8 months ago


Found the :bug: On nested pages there was an invalid relative webp image url.

Example: on instead of there was invalid image path

Fixed in new release. Related commit:

Please confirm it's working right. :-)

paulettepaillette commented 8 months ago

Hello @MajorKuprich,

It works perfectly, thanks! I have great performance on my website thanks to your plugin, so cool.

Have a great day 😊