greenrivers / grav-plugin-webp

Grav Webp plugin.
MIT License
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Convert and Clear buttons give error #8

Closed beejay41 closed 1 year ago

beejay41 commented 1 year ago

Your scripts assume the Administrator path is /admin, so on a site where this has been changed, to say "/panel", the script button actions are not found (cause 500 error). An alternate admin path also appears to affect saving/loading the plugin parameters.

MajorKuprich commented 1 year ago

Hello @beejay41,

I've checked how the plugin works with the changed urls for the admin panel: I didn't notice the problems You described. The plugin refers to urls starting with /admin but handling the request on the PHP side doesn't matter the url of the admin panel:

Can you provide more details:


beejay41 commented 1 year ago

OK so this is only failing on 1 of 3 websites, I've tested. On clicking "Convert", I'm seeing:

Grav\Plugin\Webp\Webp::process(): Argument #1 ($totalImages) must be of type array, null given, called in /srv/www/.../grav/user/plugins/webp/webp.php on line 89

On "Clear All", I'm seeing:

The "user/webp" directory does not exist.

Apologies, nothing to do with "/admin", I was mislead by the 500 error.

MajorKuprich commented 1 year ago

Hi @beejay41,

Unfortunately I can't reproduce this error, all I can do is to analyse working of conversion. It looks like a problem with set/get session parameters.

  1. When you click the Convert button, the array of images to be converted is saved in the session.

The images array will always be an array, return type hinting in the function is responsible for this.

2 Then the conversion is handled by retrieving the previously saved images array from the session.

The error regarding the Clear button occurs because a folder with webp images hasn't been created, due to an earlier error for the Convert button.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

MajorKuprich commented 1 year ago

It has been over month since last activity in this topic, so I close this issue. Reopen or create new ticket if You need more explanations, please. :)