greensock / GSAP

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), a JavaScript animation library for the modern web
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Reusing portion of codes in MIT licensed project #249

Closed Trung0246 closed 6 years ago

Trung0246 commented 6 years ago

Is it possible or will it have conflict with GreenSock Standard License ?

If so do I allowed to copy and paste TLDR; version of Standard License instead copy long version of license? (I can link to long license in the project if you guys want)

If I'm not allowed to copy then can I rewrite that part of code but same feature and still have no conflict with Standard License ?

I can't find the answer while Googling :(

jackdoyle commented 6 years ago

I'm so sorry about the tardy response, @Trung0246. We were prepping to announce ExpoScaleEase. It's officially out now. Phew!

Now to answer your question...

You're welcome to use the public/standard tools (the ones in our Github repo) in your MIT-based projects as long as you make it clear that the GreenSock code is subject to its own license. You can even edit the files to fix bugs or make things work as originally intended, but please don't distribute those customized files because it can lead to a lot of confusion in the ecosystem (different flavors of GSAP floating around with various feature sets and bugs).

You do NOT need to literally copy/paste all of the GreenSock license into your project. A simple link to the URL is perfectly adequate. We really try to be permissive with this stuff - we want people to use GSAP as much as possible - we're not looking to get in your way.

And please don't take GreenSock code, rip it out, and use it in a different form in an MIT-licensed project either. It's copyrighted code. That may sound restrictive and in a way it is, but ultimately we believe it's better for the community - read for details.

Does that answer your question?

Again, sorry for the late reply.

Trung0246 commented 6 years ago

So... Does this means using whole GreenSock js file and editing the file is allowed but copy portion of code and paste it does not? Am I allow to write code that have similar features to GreenSock code and paste it into MIT js file? I'm still didn't understand this part as you didn't state clearly...

Was busy and forgot to check for update

jackdoyle commented 6 years ago

Correct - it would not be okay to copy portions of GSAP into your own MIT-licensed files. It is copyrighted code. Is there some particular reason you don't want to use GSAP as-is in your project? I definitely want to empower you to accomplish your goals in your project with GSAP as much as possible; it kinda sounds like you're looking for ways to make [at least portions of] GSAP open source and circumvent the license, though, which we believe would ultimately be bad for the ecosystem overall.

Trung0246 commented 6 years ago

I mean I was planning for re-implementing some functions in GSAP function with same features (not copy and paste) as I don't want to include whole large library just for small portion of code.

I understood more about the situation now...