greensock / GSAP

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), a JavaScript animation library for the modern web
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JS errors in Opera 12.15 (OS X 10.8) #8

Closed jfsiii closed 11 years ago

jfsiii commented 11 years ago

Both the transitions cage match and CSS3 page throw JS errors in Opera 12.15 (the latest version for OS X).

Both fail in TweenMax.min.js:1152 with Unhandled Error: Cannot convert 'i' to object

On the cage match page, the issues seems to begin on jquery_cage_match.js:23

TweenLite.set(textDiv, {
    css: {
        perspective: 500,
        perspectiveOrigin: "50% 50%",
        transformStyle: "preserve-3d"

On the CSS3 page, it seems to begin on cssplugin_css3_newAPI_full.js:27

TweenLite.set(trans3DBoxes, {
    perspective: 400,
    transformStyle: "preserve-3d"
jackdoyle commented 11 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out. It is resolved in the upcoming 1.9.7 release.

jackdoyle commented 11 years ago

Fixed in 1.9.7