Closed Makio64 closed 9 years ago
I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but keep in mind that:
Does that help at all?
hi @jackdoyle ,
Can you fire some example of how to tell GSAP to add its classes to a different object rather than the global one, by defining a GreenSockGlobals property of the global scope.
I'm not familiar with Webpack specifically, but I can tell you that in a web page all you have to do is:
var gs = window.GreenSockGlobals = {}; //then load the GSAP file(s). Then:;
Does that help?
This bug was fix since this time. ( & )
If it can help you, in my webpack config I have this ( I remove the code unrealeted with tweenmax ) :
resolve: { alias: { TweenMax: vendors+"gsap/src/uncompressed/TweenMax.js", } }, plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({TweenMax: "TweenMax"}) ]
then in my code i can use now tweenmax / easing wihout any require :,.8,{y:0,delay:delay,ease:Back.easeOut});
Is there any canonical way, like?:
import { TweenMax, Power2, Power3 } from 'TweenMax';
Not that I know of today, no. I'm just not at all familiar with Webpack. Sorry. We do hope to move to an ES6 model at some point, so that should help. But I can't promise any delivery dates yet (it's a lot of work, as you can probably imagine).
Yep, it would help.
So this case work correctly now:
import { Power2 } from 'gsap/src/uncompressed/easing/EasePack.js';
Hi guys,
I get some troubleshoot about how I should require the TweenMax & Easing function in webpack
I try to add this : TweenMax: vendors+'greensock/uncompressed/TweenMax.js', EasePack: vendors+'greensock/uncompressed/easing/EasePack.js'
It works for TweenMax but I can't get the ease function like Quint when i do require('EasePack').Quint .
Thanks for helping!