greensock / GreenSock-AS3

Public repository for GreenSock's ActionScript 3 libraries like GSAP (TweenLite, TweenMax, etc.) and LoaderMax. For AS2, see the GreenSock-AS2 repository and for JavaScript, see the GreenSock-JS repository. Main site:
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TimelineLite addLabel not working as per documentation #4

Open supercrabtree opened 11 years ago

supercrabtree commented 11 years ago

Hey there, first up thanks for everything.

I'm using the addLabel function a lot at the moment, and in the documentation the second parameter should have a default value of "+=0", to allow it to append to the end of the timeline, but when I look at the file I can see:

public function addLabel(label:String, position:): { _labels[label] = _parseTimeOrLabel(position); return this; }

I assume it should be: public function addLabel(label:String, position:="+=0"): { _labels[label] = _parseTimeOrLabel(position); return this; }

I'm looking at version 12.0.13

Thanks George

jackdoyle commented 11 years ago

Ah yes, that is actually the way it's behaving now except that the parameter is required when it really shouldn't be. We'll get that patched up in the next push. Thanks for pointing it out.