greeny / SatisfactoryTools

Satisfactory Tools for planning and building the perfect base.
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Yarn not working when folling the instruction #133

Closed houghi closed 3 months ago

houghi commented 3 months ago

I am on a Debian 12 machine. I try to get my own version running before Satisfactory 1.0 comes out, because I might be running U8 for a while.

I have installed git, yarn, and nodejs 16. I have a running NGIX with PHP 8.2.7 running

I run the git install and I get the files. However on the next file where I do yarn install I get the error : 00h00m00s 0/0: : ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'install'

Also a yarn start or yarn init do not do anything. I am in the directory Satisfactory that has the files. I assume I am in the wrong directory or a step is missing. What am I doing wrong or what am I missing?

A second thing, but I have not yet reached that step, is that UEvieuwe can extract all till UE4 according to theur github and Satisfactory now is UE5. Will that be an issue? I do not have a problem if I do not get images. Would be nice, but not really needed.

greeny commented 3 months ago

Hi, just as a first quick note - I'm planning to support U8 for long time after 1.0 has come out.

For yarn you can try yarn run install instead, but that should be an alias. But otherwise it should be running fine.

For UEViewer - that does not work for U8, due to UE5. Unfortunately there's no known step for me to unpack UE5 assets easily. The readme is outdated in that matter (but also, most images should be commited into the repository).

houghi commented 3 months ago

Good to know on the U8 support. Concerning the UE Vieuwer and images. I thought so as much.

Concerning the error. I am assuming I might be in the wrong directory.

 15:04:40 [~/git/SatisfactoryTools]
houghi@small : yarn -v run install
Parsing scenario file run
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'run'

The man page says yarn *.scenario in the examples, but I do not find any of these scenarios. yarn seems to be looking for a file it can run on, but it can not find it. The *.ts files that I tried tell me there is no scenario. also says there must be a scenario. But as there is no install, or start. or init it can not do anything as it can not find anything.

greeny commented 3 months ago

based on the docs, it should run the script defined in the package.json image

So yarn build or yarn start should run the process defined in the scripts section. yarn install should be a normall command similar to npm install

houghi commented 3 months ago

Understood. It just does not do that. Regardless of if I do yarn build or any of the others, it gives the same error message. There is no such file or directory.

No idea why it does that. :-(

So back to your website, I guess.

greeny commented 3 months ago

try sudo apt remove cmdtest, or more troubleshooting from this answer

houghi commented 3 months ago

OK. It is doing something. For some reason Debian decided to install cmdtest instead of yarn

So first install nodejs 16. Next install yarn with npm and not with apt. Now yarn works.

Thanks for the pointer to that stackoverflow. That directed me to the solution.