greg-nagy / framework-test-at-home

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Nginx vs non-nginx results #1

Closed vtt closed 8 months ago

vtt commented 8 months ago

I don't see the config files for nginx; but from the look of the results, it seems that it was configured as a reversed-proxy; so you'll only see the extra overhead here.

In order to see the benefits of nginx as reversed proxy, the application server must be running multiple workers/threads and you'll see the results much better with nginx vs non-nginx.

Pure nginx as a web/application server can only be benchmarked with the "hello_world" output; ie: use a static index.html to return the text "hello world", and its result will blow away all others.

If added Lua to nginx to output a number from database (eg. using OpenResty), then it should also blow away all other benchmarks.

greg-nagy commented 8 months ago

It would be interesting to see the numbers for Lua for sure.

Would you want to do the setup and run the tests? I am happy to give you access to the aws account and the machines.

vtt commented 8 months ago

Install OpenResty and postgres libs:

# wget
# tar zxvf openresty-
# cd openresty-
# ./configure
# make
# make install  # this will install to /usr/local/openresty
# /usr/local/openresty/bin/opm get fffonion/lua-resty-openssl
# /usr/local/openresty/bin/opm get leafo/pgmoon

Edit nginx configuration file: /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

worker_processes  1;
error_log logs/error.log;
events {
  worker_connections 1024;
http {
  server {
    listen 8080;
    location / {
      default_type text/html;
      content_by_lua_block {
        ngx.say("Hello World")

    location /count {
      default_type text/html;
      content_by_lua_block {
        local pgmoon = require("pgmoon")
        local pg ={
          host     = "",
          port     = "5432",
          user     = "postgres",
          password = "postgres",
          database = "portal_dev"
        local res = assert(pg:query("select count from presence_counters where name = 'group_sittings' limit 1"))
        pg = nil

Start OpenResty

# /usr/local/openresty/bin/openresty

Run benchmarks with http://localhost:8080/ and http://localhost:8080/count

vtt commented 8 months ago

May need libssl and libpcre and perl for depency:

# apt-get install libpcre3-dev libssl-dev perl make build-essential
greg-nagy commented 8 months ago

it also needed zlib-dev and a configuration for dns in the config, but it's working now \o/

the results are in

vtt commented 8 months ago

Hmm, something is wrong there; it is showing nginx (using static html - row #9) faster than Lua plain text (row #10)? On my local machine, Lua plain text is more than 2x faster.

Lua plain text

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:8080/
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:8080/ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    2.42ms   1.51ms   0.41ms   104.56ms  
    Total: 620376  Req/Sec: 20680.54
    Total: 108.27 MB Transfer Rate: 3.61 MB/Sec

Nginx index.html

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:8080/index
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:8080/index for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    6.37ms   2.37ms   0.18ms   61.58ms  
    Total: 235464  Req/Sec: 7849.07
    Total: 58.61 MB Transfer Rate: 1.95 MB/Sec

200 Errors: connection closed

Lua count with postgres

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:8080/count
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:8080/count for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    7.02ms   9.34ms   1.16ms   517.32ms  
    Total: 213540  Req/Sec: 7118.53
    Total: 35.23 MB Transfer Rate: 1.17 MB/Sec

Nginx with Lua Postgres is almost same as static index.html on my local machine

vtt commented 8 months ago

Make sure you are comparing the same number of nginx workers; the config posted here is using only 1 worker; if you port 80 nginx config is using more than 1, then the numbers are skewed

greg-nagy commented 8 months ago

rerun the tests and they roughly show the same thing

Note 1: I use a client in the same zone and a db server on a different host

Note 2: Something seems to be off with your index.html test. The pure nginx static file serve is likely won't be on :8080 as that's for openresty — but I don't know your exact setup

vtt commented 8 months ago

Also, to be fair with other tests; nginx should only be using 1 worker; if you set it to multiple workers for nginx, then other tests will be at disadvantage. Same applies for other tests - one worker and multiple threads

greg-nagy commented 8 months ago

I was using multiple worker setup, generally left it to the framework to figure out how many workers it wants to use you can see the threadcounts on the w/ nginx tab

I have rerun the openresty tests with 5 workers and 10 workers as well. 10 workers was worse than with 5. I added the 5 worker numbers to the chart

as for the static hello world numbers: I wouldn't be that worried about it, as that is not the important usecase now

vtt commented 8 months ago

Don't overset the number of nginx workers; you'll get worse results. Do 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' to see how many CPU it has and set that number of workers (ie: the output + 1).

Here's the output running with 8 nginx workers thread compared to Rust on my local machine

Nginx index.html

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:8080/index
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:8080/index for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    0.97ms   0.97ms   0.06ms   11.67ms  
    Total: 1539081 Req/Sec: 51305.39
    Total: 383.08 MB Transfer Rate: 12.77 MB/Sec

Nginx Lua plain text

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:8080
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:8080 for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    0.85ms   0.68ms   0.05ms   21.04ms  
    Total: 1764972 Req/Sec: 58834.78
    Total: 308.02 MB Transfer Rate: 10.27 MB/Sec

Nginx Lua Postgres Count

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:8080/count
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:8080/count for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    1.85ms   3.76ms   0.18ms   480.55ms  
    Total: 810953  Req/Sec: 27033.38
    Total: 133.79 MB Transfer Rate: 4.46 MB/Sec

Rust Tokio-Postgres-BB8 plain text

tinvo@development:~/framework-test-at-home/rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8# cargo run # on port 4000
Compiling rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8 v0.1.0 (/root/framework-test-at-home/rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 5.02s
     Running `target/debug/rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8`

# different terminal
tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:4000
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:4000 for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    1.27ms   0.69ms   0.13ms   24.57ms  
    Total: 1177620 Req/Sec: 39256.61
    Total: 144.88 MB Transfer Rate: 4.83 MB/Sec

Rust Tokio-Postgres-BB8 Count (using localhost DB)

tinvo@development:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:4000/count
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:4000/count for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    4.87ms   19.18ms  1.25ms   1536.37ms  
    Total: 308021  Req/Sec: 10268.03
    Total: 34.37 MB Transfer Rate: 1.15 MB/Sec
vtt commented 8 months ago

If your nginx test is worse than Rust, then your nginx configuration is flawed; I have yet to find any framework/language can beat nginx serving http1/2

greg-nagy commented 8 months ago

I have rerun the openresty and rust tests, and the results didn't change significantly.

At this point, any benchmarked technologies except Ruby would be a good fit for us.

A few thoughts about rust vs openresty

Thank you for making this test! I hadn't thought about this solution and was pleasantly surprised at how well openresty has performed.

I am closing this issue as the numbers are in for openresty.

vtt commented 8 months ago

I took your advice and run OpenResty on port 2222 (Helsinki), and run Rust --release version on port 3000. Both were connected to 'portal_edge' database locally.


worker_processes  auto;
error_log logs/error.log;
events {
  worker_connections 1024;
http {
  server {
    listen 2222;
    access_log off;
    location / {
      default_type text/html;
      content_by_lua_block {
        ngx.say("Hello world!")

    location /count {
      default_type text/html;
      content_by_lua_block {
        local pgmoon = require("pgmoon")
        local pg ={
          host     = "",
          port     = "5432",
          user     = "counter",
          password = "counter",
          database = "portal_edge"
        local res = assert(pg:query("SELECT count FROM presence_counters WHERE name = 'group_sittings' ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1"))
        pg = nil


use axum::{
use bb8::Pool;
use bb8_postgres::{PostgresConnectionManager, tokio_postgres::NoTls};

async fn main() {
    let db_connection_string = "postgresql://counter:counter@localhost:5432/portal_edge";
    let manager =
        PostgresConnectionManager::new_from_stringlike(db_connection_string, NoTls)
    let pool = Pool::builder()

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route( "/", get(|| async { "Hello world!" }))
        .route( "/count", get(fetch_count))

    // run it
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

type ConnectionPool = Pool<PostgresConnectionManager<NoTls>>;

async fn fetch_count(
    State(pool): State<ConnectionPool>,
) -> Result<String, (StatusCode, String)> {
    let conn = pool.get().await.map_err(internal_error)?;

    let sql_query = "SELECT count FROM presence_counters WHERE name = 'group_sittings' ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1";
    let row = conn
        .query_one(sql_query, &[])
    let count: i32 = row.try_get(0).map_err(internal_error)?;


/// Utility function for mapping any error into a `500 Internal Server Error`
/// response.
fn internal_error<E>(err: E) -> (StatusCode, String)
    E: std::error::Error,
    (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, err.to_string())
root@dev:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# nano conf/nginx.conf
root@dev:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# cat ~tinvo/framework-test-at-home/rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8/src/ 
use axum::{
use bb8::Pool;
use bb8_postgres::{PostgresConnectionManager, tokio_postgres::NoTls};

async fn main() {
    let db_connection_string = "postgresql://counter:counter@localhost:5432/portal_edge";
    let manager =
        PostgresConnectionManager::new_from_stringlike(db_connection_string, NoTls)
    let pool = Pool::builder()

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route( "/", get(|| async { "Hello world!" }))
        .route( "/count", get(fetch_count))

    // run it
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

type ConnectionPool = Pool<PostgresConnectionManager<NoTls>>;

async fn fetch_count(
    State(pool): State<ConnectionPool>,
) -> Result<String, (StatusCode, String)> {
    let conn = pool.get().await.map_err(internal_error)?;

    let sql_query = "SELECT count FROM presence_counters WHERE name = 'group_sittings' ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1";
    let row = conn
        .query_one(sql_query, &[])
    let count: i32 = row.try_get(0).map_err(internal_error)?;


/// Utility function for mapping any error into a `500 Internal Server Error`
/// response.
fn internal_error<E>(err: E) -> (StatusCode, String)
    E: std::error::Error,
    (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, err.to_string())

The benchmarks were ran on a VM Falkenstein region.

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.01ms  0.72ms   24.89ms  50.20ms  
    Total:  59910  Req/Sec: 1996.90
    Total: 10.51 MB Transfer Rate: 358.81 KB/Sec

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.01ms  0.04ms   24.90ms  26.58ms  
    Total:  59908  Req/Sec: 1996.87
    Total: 7.37 MB Transfer Rate: 251.56 KB/Sec

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.15ms  0.92ms   24.99ms  52.30ms  
    Total:  59569  Req/Sec: 1985.57
    Total: 9.83 MB Transfer Rate: 335.48 KB/Sec

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.25ms  0.08ms   25.06ms  26.49ms  
    Total:  59350  Req/Sec: 1978.26
    Total: 6.62 MB Transfer Rate: 226.03 KB/Sec

It's not much; but you can still see that nginx + lua is still faster than Rust. You have root on; you are welcome to replicate it and test the benchmark on your client.

vtt commented 8 months ago

Forgot to add how the rust was ran:

tinvo@dev:~/framework-test-at-home/rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8$ cargo run --release
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s
     Running `target/release/rust_axum_tokio-postgres-bb8`
vtt commented 8 months ago

OpenResty is actually nginx + lua module; it is not an nginx fork; it is using latest stable nginx and add its lua module. There is another postgres module for nginx; I'm going to benchmark that for fun as well and see how it fares with lua and rust.

vtt commented 8 months ago

Here is the new nginx configuration to include postgres module at /count2 location:

worker_processes  auto;
error_log logs/error.log;
events {
  worker_connections 1024;
http {
  upstream database {
    postgres_server dbname=portal_edge user=counter password=counter;

  server {
    listen 2222;
    access_log off;
    location / {
      default_type text/html;
      content_by_lua_block {
        ngx.say("Hello world!")

    location /count2 {
      postgres_pass   database;
      postgres_query  "SELECT count FROM presence_counters WHERE name = 'group_sittings' ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1";
      postgres_output text;

    location /count {
      default_type text/html;
      content_by_lua_block {
        local pgmoon = require("pgmoon")
        local pg ={
          host     = "",
          port     = "5432",
          user     = "counter",
          password = "counter",
          database = "portal_edge"
        local res = assert(pg:query("SELECT count FROM presence_counters WHERE name = 'group_sittings' ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1"))
        pg = nil

And the benchmarks:

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.13ms  0.78ms   24.96ms  50.25ms  
    Total:  59630  Req/Sec: 1987.59
    Total: 9.84 MB Transfer Rate: 335.79 KB/Sec

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h 
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.19ms  1.49ms   24.94ms  71.72ms  
    Total:  59494  Req/Sec: 1983.05
    Total: 9.84 MB Transfer Rate: 335.70 KB/Sec

tinvo@mangala:~$ rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    25.26ms  0.19ms   25.05ms  31.87ms  
    Total:  59300  Req/Sec: 1976.60
    Total: 6.62 MB Transfer Rate: 225.84 KB/Sec

Tiny improvement of postgres over lua; but Lua is more general purpose and more powerful.

Also I just noticed nginx output is much bigger in terms of bytes compared to Rust; nginx is returning more HTTP headers so the output is about 30% bigger.

vtt commented 8 months ago

FYI, testing from different data center will have latency (in this case about 25ms); so the benchmark number does not truly reflect the cost of instrumentation and internalization of these stacks. When I run the tests locally, here are the results:

tinvo@dev:~$ ./.cargo/bin/rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:2222/count
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:2222/count for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    0.61ms   0.44ms   0.08ms   27.59ms  
    Total: 2459208 Req/Sec: 81972.04
    Total: 412.35 MB Transfer Rate: 13.74 MB/Sec

tinvo@dev:~$ ./.cargo/bin/rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:2222/count2
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:2222/count2 for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    0.55ms   0.58ms   0.08ms   25.84ms  
    Total: 2746213 Req/Sec: 91537.43
    Total: 458.37 MB Transfer Rate: 15.28 MB/Sec

tinvo@dev:~$ ./.cargo/bin/rewrk -c 50 -t 2 -d 30s -h http://localhost:3000/count
Beginning round 1...
Benchmarking 50 connections @ http://localhost:3000/count for 30 second(s)
    Avg      Stdev    Min      Max      
    0.72ms   0.21ms   0.19ms   5.38ms   
    Total: 2068225 Req/Sec: 68939.64
    Total: 230.77 MB Transfer Rate: 7.69 MB/Sec

So you can clearly see the postgres module is 11% faster than lua module, and lua module is 19% faster than Rust

greg-nagy commented 8 months ago

I tried to replicate your measurements but ran into some issues.

So I have put in some work, to make the tests more robust and possible to reproduce.

You can see the detailed results on the edge tab in the spreadsheet

CleanShot 2024-01-11 at 14 00 20

Everything is up in this repo, if you want to rerun the tests. (It would be good to test this measurement method to see if it's robust enough)

vtt commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the update; I noticed the big variability between runs too - depending on how busy the instance is (quite a bit of stuffs running on it).

The optimized Rust implementations using pre-forked workers are very impressive; Rust can be almost as fast as C; the nginx postgres module seems disappointing - not sure why it's even losing to Lua; my past tests showed postgres consistently beating Lua.

I'd be very interested to see the performance of the optimized Rust pre-forked implementations behind nginx reversed proxy. This is the real world usage since most of the time, nginx is prerequisite for the existing app (ie: Rails).

That comparison would show where the bottleneck is. Is it Lua? Or is it the overhead of full fledge http1/2 web server (nginx) vs basic tcp socket.