gregchiasson / warhams

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Problems + Ideas #18

Open njawlf opened 4 years ago

njawlf commented 4 years ago

PROBLEMS All the following problems were found via battlescribe's "save as html" (Jan 26, 2020) concerning Astra Militarum (though may be endemic to the whole system). 1: Using the Vigilus Defiant Strat "Field Commander" causes unit "card" to not appear 2: Relics that replace a bearer's weapon are treated as another weapon and the original weapon remains present on the datasheet 3: It is not noted how many models there are in a unit (really only matters for units with option to take more than min), nor are there ever wound count boxes for more than 1 model. This doesn't matter for most things but there are a few units like sentinels where it would be handy to have. 4: (kinda an extension of 3) It doesn't show in any way if there are multiple models that AFTER deployment split into separate units. Also be aware that those models may not all have the same wargear. IDEAS 1: Since many vehicles charts don't work (the Valkyries DO work for some reason FYI) maybe you could insert the characteristics into the wound count boxes? So as you mark them off you cover up the highest and the highest left is what the characteristics are. And if possible, for it to take into account things like Track Guards(always full movement) or the <Valhalan(edit:wrong reg)> Regiment trait(double wounds left when determining Vehicle characteristics). 2: Is there a way to make it so we can edit certain things? Eg: < Regiment >/< Chapter >, or the units name?