gregghz / Watcher

Watcher is a daemon that watches specified files/folders for changes and fires commands in response to those changes. It is similar to incron, however, configuration uses a simpler to read yaml file instead of a plain text file. It's also written in Python, making it easier to hack.
MIT License
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'prefix' doesn't seem to work, dest_file doesn't have relative path #4

Closed jamie-pate closed 12 years ago

jamie-pate commented 12 years ago

I've changed the way dest_file works as the 'prefix' didn't seem to be filled out when running in ubuntu 12.04 now it uses the 'root' path and removes it from the absolute path instead.

(did prefix work before? it appears there is only one EventHandler being created that recursively watches all subfolders)

gregghz commented 12 years ago

I'm not sure if prefix worked before or not. I haven't actively used this program in quite some time.

jamie-pate commented 12 years ago

did you abandon the use case or find a better alternative?

gregghz commented 12 years ago

I abandoned the use case. It was kind of a "hey, I need something like this" this one time. So I built and made it a general solution, but now I don't need it for what I was using it for any longer (video conversions by dropping files into a folder). I'm happy to maintain it though and fix bugs as convenient and merge pull requests that seem reasonable :)