greggilbert / recaptcha

[ABANDONED] reCAPTCHA Validator for Laravel 5
MIT License
714 stars 197 forks source link

Yardım Lütfen #168

Open Stynax opened 3 years ago

Stynax commented 3 years ago

`<?php /*









function _recaptcha_aes_pad($val) { $block_size = 16; $numpad = $block_size - (strlen ($val) % $block_size); return str_pad($val, strlen ($val) + $numpad, chr($numpad)); }

/ Mailhide related code /

function _recaptcha_aes_encrypt($val,$ky) { if (! function_exists ("mcrypt_encrypt")) { die ("To use reCAPTCHA Mailhide, you need to have the mcrypt php module installed."); } $mode=MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
$enc=MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; $val=_recaptcha_aes_pad($val); return mcrypt_encrypt($enc, $ky, $val, $mode, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"); }

function _recaptcha_mailhide_urlbase64 ($x) { return strtr(base64encode ($x), '+/', '-'); }

/ gets the reCAPTCHA Mailhide url for a given email, public key and private key / function recaptcha_mailhide_url($pubkey, $privkey, $email) { if ($pubkey == '' || $pubkey == null || $privkey == "" || $privkey == null) { die ("To use reCAPTCHA Mailhide, you have to sign up for a public and private key, " . "you can do so at"); }

$ky = pack('H*', $privkey);
$cryptmail = _recaptcha_aes_encrypt ($email, $ky);

return "" . $pubkey . "&c=" . _recaptcha_mailhide_urlbase64 ($cryptmail);





?> `

Stynax commented 3 years ago

konuyu eğer tam anlamıyla anlayamayan varsa upload ettim lütfen yardım pls.