greggman / servez

A simple web server for local web development.
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Handling HTTP request #16

Closed ArsenicBismuth closed 1 year ago

ArsenicBismuth commented 1 year ago

So, I'm wondering if there's a way to make Servez handle HTTP request?

I know the base library uses express at its core, so I'm wondering if there's a feature to handle certain request programmatically instead of providing a file.

The easiest (and crude) way would be to modify the servez-lib itself so it can handle certain pattern as a HTTP request. But I saw a staticOptions about calling a middleware if there's no file, and wondering if I can use it as an entry point.

greggman commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what you're asking. You what to handle a certain path/route yourself?

as it says in the readme, servez is not really meant as a library. Rather just use express yourself and you can just copy the code in servez-lib as a starting point.

If you want to handle a certain path yourself you add a function for that path either for a specific HTTP verb (get/put/etc)

Or for all requests

Just register yours before app.use(express.static(root, staticOptions)) (or after if it needs to come after)

ArsenicBismuth commented 1 year ago

Yeah that's what I meant, thanks! I was just wondering if there's some modular way to do it, but yeah directly modifying the servez-lib will be simpler.