greggman / twgl.js

A Tiny WebGL helper Library
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how to get access to depth texture #170

Open X-skyer opened 3 years ago

X-skyer commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am working in WebGL1.0 using twgl, recently I want to use this extension;"WEBGL_depth_texture", and create frame buffer using these code:

const attachments = [ { format: Constants.RGBA, type: Constants.UNSIGNED_BYTE, min: Constants.NEAREST, mag: Constants.NEAREST, wrap: Constants.REPEAT }, { format: Constants.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, type: Constants.UNSIGNED_SHORT, min: Constants.NEAREST, mag: Constants.NEAREST, wrap: Constants.REPEAT }, ];

this.frameBufferInfo = createFramebufferInfo(WebGLContext.getInstance(), attachments, this.width, this.height);

but when i want to use the depth texture as input in anthor shader:


it goes wrong, does any one can tell me where i'm wrong.

greggman commented 3 years ago

DEPTH_COMPONENT16 is not a depth texture it's a renderbuffer, DEPTH_COMPONENT is a texture, and the valid types are gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT and gl.UNSIGNED_INT

And of course you need to check for and enable 'WEBGL_depth_texture' either manually or by calling twgl.addExtensionsToContext (though even if you call that you still need to check the extension exists if you want to handle failure

X-skyer commented 3 years ago

{ format: Constants.DEPTH_COMPONENT, type: Constants.UNSIGNED_SHORT, min: Constants.NEAREST, mag: Constants.NEAREST, wrap: Constants.REPEAT } Thanks! I tried this, but got an error : "unknown internal format". which is from function twgl.getTextureInternalFormatInfo().

but in this function, i found no support for DEPTH_COMPONENT

greggman commented 3 years ago

Color me embarrassed. Apparently I've never made a depth texture with twgl in WebGL1

4.16.0 should work


Relevant code

  const attachments = [
    { format: gl.RGBA, },
    { format: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT },
  const fbi = twgl.createFramebufferInfo(gl, attachments, 256, 256);