greglook / whidbey

nREPL middleware to pretty-print colored values
The Unlicense
158 stars 10 forks source link

Detect terminal width #3

Closed brandonbloom closed 10 years ago

brandonbloom commented 10 years ago

Firstly, This is awesome! Thank you for doing this. I had every intention of doing this myself, but just never got around to it. Seems like you've done a stellar job.

Second, while you're working in the nrepl guts, it would be great if you could somehow get the current console width (if applicable to the current client) and set the printer's right margin accordingly. At minimum, there should be an easy way to set options, including the print width, from the lein profile.

Lastly, don't hesitate to reach out to me if there's someway I can help at the Fipp layer.

greglook commented 10 years ago

Thanks! It seemed like the logical progression once I'd written Puget. :)

After poking around a bit I don't think nREPL knows anything about the terminal width. It's definitely worth revisiting the way Puget's options get set; being able to control the color and print-width on a client-specific basis would be great.

greglook commented 10 years ago

Released 0.3.0 with support for a :puget-options key in the project map. This gets merged with Puget's *options* var, so you can set things like print width, metadata, color scheme, and more from your Leiningen profle.