gregmacfarlane / parks_access

Notes and studies related to parks accessibility papers
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Drop Twitter analysis #1

Closed gregmacfarlane closed 4 years ago

gregmacfarlane commented 4 years ago

From reviewer 1:

The use of Twitter data is poorly justified and discussed. Why chosen a 0.1 estimate of the effect of tweets on the accessibility of parks ? Could you please provide some sensibility measures ? Again, there is no critical review of the literature. I would particularly recommend to discuss your findings in relation with Roberts HV. Using Twitter data in urban green space research: A case study and critical evaluation. Applied Geography. 2017; 81:13–20 or to drop this indicator if you are not making any conclusions out of it and have no clue of how to integrate it properly in your study.

After consulting with Kari, we elected to drop this completely.

gregmacfarlane commented 4 years ago

We agree with the reviewer that the twitter activity analysis contributed little to the direct purpose of the paper and was insufficiently handled regardless. We have therefore dropped the models using the Twitter activity from all of the relevant tables and excised all references to this analysis throughout the text.