gregmoille / pyLLE

Lugiato Lefever Equation Solver in Python/Julia
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JuliaSolver Crashes, no progress on bar #46

Closed tristanmelton closed 1 year ago

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

I'm working on getting pyLLE to run on our lab server and I am running into an issue where I see no progress on the bar when I run the following from the example file. There is no output on the log file except for a singular 0.

solver.Setup(verbose=False, tmp_dir='E:\\JuliaSolver\\')
result = solver.SolveTemporal(verbose=True, bin='C:\\Users\\photon\\AppData\\Local\\Julia-1.1.1\\bin\\julia.exe')

I tried manually running the julia command as C:\\Users\\photon\\AppData\\Local\\Julia-1.1.1\\bin\\julia.exe c:\\Users\\photon\\anaconda3\\envs\\photon\\lib\\site-packages\\pyLLE\\ComputeLLE.jl E:\\JuliaSolver\\ 0.001 6 0.1 and it crashed and gave me the following error:

ERROR: LoadError: DimensionMismatch("cannot broadcast array to have fewer dimensions")
 [1] check_broadcast_shape(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}) at .\broadcast.jl:454
 [2] check_broadcast_shape(::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64},Base.OneTo{Int64}}) at .\broadcast.jl:457
 [3] check_broadcast_axes(::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, ::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Complex{Int64},Array{Complex{Float64},2}}},Complex{Float64}}}) at .\broadcast.jl:459
 [4] check_broadcast_axes at .\broadcast.jl:463 [inlined]
 [5] instantiate at .\broadcast.jl:258 [inlined]
 [6] materialize!(::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, ::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(-),Tuple{Array{Complex{Float64},1},Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Complex{Int64},Array{Complex{Float64},2}}},Complex{Float64}}}}}) at .\broadcast.jl:756
 [7] Fdrive(::Int64) at c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\pyLLE\ComputeLLE.jl:272
 [8] SSFM½step(::Array{Complex{Float64},2}, ::Float64, ::Dict{Any,Any}) at c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\pyLLE\ComputeLLE.jl:348
 [9] MainSolver(::Float64, ::Dict{Any,Any}, ::Array{Complex{Float64},2}) at c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\pyLLE\ComputeLLE.jl:414
 [10] top-level scope at none:0
 [11] include at .\boot.jl:326 [inlined]
 [12] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1038
 [13] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:29
 [14] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at .\client.jl:267
 [15] _start() at .\client.jl:436
in expression starting at c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\pyLLE\ComputeLLE.jl:430

I suspect something faulty is being passed to the julia script but I'm not sure.

gregmoille commented 1 year ago

Hey Tristan I cannot reproduce the error running the example notebook. Could you provide your input dictionary (sim and res) along with the call to the solver? Also which version of pyLLE are you running, GitHub or pypi? Thanks

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

I'm running the GitHub version of pyLLE. sim and res are:

res = dict(

sim = dict(
    μ_sim=[-220, 220],
    δω_init= 1e9 * 2 * np.pi,
    δω_end= -3.5e9 * 2 * np.pi,
gregmoille commented 1 year ago

yeah so regular stuff. I suspect it is the way you run it. Can you try running Julia through pyLLE, you can path the bin path to the solver in the last version (hence why I asked about GitHub or pypi):

solver.Setup(verbose = True)
solver.SolveTemporal(verbose = True, bin = r"C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Julia-1.1.1\bin\julia.exe")
tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

When I use that code, I get the following:

-- Solving standard LLE --
    Simulation Parameters
        R = 23.00 µm
        Qi = 1.00 M
        Qc = 1.00 M
        γ = 3.20 
    Simulation Parameters
        Pin[0] = 160.00 mW
        f_pmp[0] = 282.65 THz
        Tscan = 0.70 x1e6 Round Trip
        μ_sim = [-220.00,220.00] 
        δω_init = 1.00 x2π GHz
        δω_end = -3.50 x2π GHz
        μ_fit = [None,None] 
        δω_stop = -3.50 x2π GHz
        ind_pump_sweep[0] = 0.00 

HDF5 parameter file can be foud in: [C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5m_jumxcParamLLEJulia.h5](file:///C:/Users/photon/AppData/Local/Temp/tmp5m_jumxcParamLLEJulia.h5)
2023-05-02 18:32:38
Launching Julia....
Temp file can be found in: [C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5m_jumxclog.log](file:///C:/Users/photon/AppData/Local/Temp/tmp5m_jumxclog.log)
Launching Julia: Done
Computing LLE [                                                  ] 0%

Simulation Time 00h:00min:06.8s
Output exceeds the [size limit](command:workbench.action.openSettings?%5B%22notebook.output.textLineLimit%22%5D). Open the full output data [in a text editor](command:workbench.action.openLargeOutput?242b4281-f705-465c-a2d1-d676ddd593b9)---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
[c:\Users\photon\Box\Grad\Scripts\PyLLE\TemporalDualPump.ipynb](file:///C:/Users/photon/Box/Grad/Scripts/PyLLE/TemporalDualPump.ipynb) Cell 20 in ()
      [1](vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/photon/Box/Grad/Scripts/PyLLE/TemporalDualPump.ipynb#X25sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=0) solver.Setup(verbose = True)
      [2](vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/photon/Box/Grad/Scripts/PyLLE/TemporalDualPump.ipynb#X25sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=1) solver.SolveTemporal(verbose = True, bin = r"C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Julia-1.1.1\bin\julia.exe")
----> [3](vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/photon/Box/Grad/Scripts/PyLLE/TemporalDualPump.ipynb#X25sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=2) solver.RetrieveData()

File [c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\pyLLE\](file:///C:/Users/photon/anaconda3/envs/photon/lib/site-packages/pyLLE/, in LLEsolver.RetrieveData(self)
    953 time.sleep(2)
    954 drct = self.tmp_dir
--> 955 with h5py.File(self.tmp_dir + 'ResultsJulia.h5', 'r') as S:
    956     if self._debug:
    957'LLEsovler.RetrieveData','Retrieving results from Julia in {}'.format(self.tmp_dir + 'ResultsJulia.h5'))

File [c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\h5py\_hl\](file:///C:/Users/photon/anaconda3/envs/photon/lib/site-packages/h5py/_hl/, in File.__init__(self, name, mode, driver, libver, userblock_size, swmr, rdcc_nslots, rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0, track_order, fs_strategy, fs_persist, fs_threshold, fs_page_size, page_buf_size, min_meta_keep, min_raw_keep, locking, **kwds)
    502     fapl = make_fapl(driver, libver, rdcc_nslots, rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0,
    503                      locking, page_buf_size, min_meta_keep, min_raw_keep, **kwds)
    504     fcpl = make_fcpl(track_order=track_order, fs_strategy=fs_strategy,
    505                      fs_persist=fs_persist, fs_threshold=fs_threshold,
    506                      fs_page_size=fs_page_size)
--> 507     fid = make_fid(name, mode, userblock_size, fapl, fcpl, swmr=swmr)
    509 if isinstance(libver, tuple):
    510     self._libver = libver

File [c:\Users\photon\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\h5py\_hl\](file:///C:/Users/photon/anaconda3/envs/photon/lib/site-packages/h5py/_hl/, in make_fid(name, mode, userblock_size, fapl, fcpl, swmr)
File h5py\_objects.pyx:55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

File h5py\h5f.pyx:106, in

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = '[C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5m_jumxcResultsJulia.h5](file:///C:/Users/photon/AppData/Local/Temp/tmp5m_jumxcResultsJulia.h5)', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)
gregmoille commented 1 year ago

Your output is truncated so there is no useful trail here. Run it in a ipyhton terminal instead of jupyter in case (and maybe you can avoid the solver.RetrieveData() as we know it’s not working)

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

Here's the output when running from ipython:

In [7]: solver.Setup(verbose = True)
   ...: solver.SolveTemporal(verbose = True, bin = r"C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Julia-1.1.1\bin\julia.exe")
-- Solving standard LLE --
        Simulation Parameters
                R = 23.00 µm
                Qi = 1.00 M
                Qc = 1.00 M
                γ = 3.20
        Simulation Parameters
                Pin[0] = 160.00 mW
                f_pmp[0] = 282.65 THz
                Tscan = 0.70 x1e6 Round Trip
                μ_sim = [-220.00,220.00]
                δω_init = 1.00 x2π GHz
                δω_end = -3.50 x2π GHz
                μ_fit = [None,None]
                δω_stop = -3.50 x2π GHz
                ind_pump_sweep[0] = 0.00

HDF5 parameter file can be foud in: C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpflg9pw3lParamLLEJulia.h5
2023-05-02 18:54:48
Launching Julia....
Temp file can be found in: C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpflg9pw3llog.log
Launching Julia: Done
Computing LLE [                                                  ] 0%

Simulation Time 00h:00min:06.3s

When running solver.retrieveData after,

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [8], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 solver.RetrieveData()

File ~\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\pyLLE\, in LLEsolver.RetrieveData(self)
    953 time.sleep(2)
    954 drct = self.tmp_dir
--> 955 with h5py.File(self.tmp_dir + 'ResultsJulia.h5', 'r') as S:
    956     if self._debug:
    957'LLEsovler.RetrieveData','Retrieving results from Julia in {}'.format(self.tmp_dir + 'ResultsJulia.h5'))

File ~\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\h5py\_hl\, in File.__init__(self, name, mode, driver, libver, userblock_size, swmr, rdcc_nslots, rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0, track_order, fs_strategy, fs_persist, fs_threshold, fs_page_size, page_buf_size, min_meta_keep, min_raw_keep, locking, **kwds)
    502     fapl = make_fapl(driver, libver, rdcc_nslots, rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0,
    503                      locking, page_buf_size, min_meta_keep, min_raw_keep, **kwds)
    504     fcpl = make_fcpl(track_order=track_order, fs_strategy=fs_strategy,
    505                      fs_persist=fs_persist, fs_threshold=fs_threshold,
    506                      fs_page_size=fs_page_size)
--> 507     fid = make_fid(name, mode, userblock_size, fapl, fcpl, swmr=swmr)
    509 if isinstance(libver, tuple):
    510     self._libver = libver

File ~\anaconda3\envs\photon\lib\site-packages\h5py\_hl\, in make_fid(name, mode, userblock_size, fapl, fcpl, swmr)
    218     if swmr and swmr_support:
    219         flags |= h5f.ACC_SWMR_READ
--> 220     fid =, flags, fapl=fapl)
    221 elif mode == 'r+':
    222     fid =, h5f.ACC_RDWR, fapl=fapl)

File h5py\_objects.pyx:54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

File h5py\_objects.pyx:55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

File h5py\h5f.pyx:106, in

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpflg9pw3lResultsJulia.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)

The log file only has a zero and a newline character corresponding to this run. There is no ResultsJulia.h5 file.

gregmoille commented 1 year ago

The fact that the RetrieveData doesn't give you anything is expected given the Julia solver is not finishing and has an issue in the driving force function for som unknown reason. It seems to crash at the first iteration of the SSF, so something off here which I cannot reproduce on my end. Couple of stuff to try to debug it

  1. Make sure that you have all the Julia library installed (HDF5, FFTW and LinearAlgebra). I believe it should be ok given you can run the Julia script by hand
  2. Try to check if the C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpflg9pw3lParamLLEJulia.h5 file is correct or corrupted (can check it with hdf view )
  3. Open the h5 file with Julia in the same way than pyLLE
using HDF5
using Base
using FFTW
using LinearAlgebra

h5file = "C:\Users\photon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpflg9pw3lParamLLEJulia.h5"
res = Dict()
sim = Dict()
sim_name = ["res", "sim"]
par = [["Qc", "R", "ng", "Qi", "gamma","dispfile"], ["Pin", "Tscan", "domega_init", "domega_end", "domega_stop", "domega", "f_pmp", "mu_sim_center", "ind_pmp", "Dint", "ind_pump_sweep","f_center", "phi_pmp", "D1", "DKSinit_imag","DKSinit_real", "num_probe"]]
cnt = 1
for sim_par = [res, sim]
    for it = par[cnt]
        sim_par[it] = h5read(h5file, sim_name[cnt] *"/" * it)
    cnt += 1

Once you have extracted it, could you try to get

fpmp = sim["f_pmp"]

μ_sim = sim["mu_sim_center"]
μ = collect(μ_sim[1]:μ_sim[2])

Ain = [1im*zeros(length(μ),1) for ii in collect(1:length(fpmp))]

θ = Array(range(0,stop=2π,length=length(μ)))

Force = 0 .* exp.(1im.*θ)
Force .= Force .- 1im .* Ain[ii] .*exp(1im .*σ)

The above snippet basically go through a fast track in the Julia core to go to the error that you get. It will probably crash before reaching the end but with all the print we may get an idea of the postmortem state

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

When I do that, I get: ERROR: UndefVarError: ii not defined


Force .= Force .- 1im .* Ain[ii] .*exp(1im .*σ)

Also note that I had to add global before cnt += 1 for it to work.

gregmoille commented 1 year ago

Yeah sorry about that, just a copy/paste from the loop just run it with the 1 as the index for Ain[1]. You can also set σ to zero. The global is expected as its unprotected variable. Also I have put some print along in the code that is important that you paste if you want me to help you figure out what’s up as right now there is very little clue of what’s going on (try it on 3 different machine tonight and it works)

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

Understood. Here's the complete julia output from the second block of code.

julia> fpmp = sim["f_pmp"]
1×1 Array{Float64,2}:

julia> print(length(fpmp))
julia> μ_sim = sim["mu_sim_center"]
2×1 Array{Int32,2}:

julia> μ = collect(μ_sim[1]:μ_sim[2])
441-element Array{Int32,1}:


julia> Ain = [1im*zeros(length(μ),1) for ii in collect(1:length(fpmp))]
1-element Array{Array{Complex{Float64},2},1}:
 [0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; … ; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im]

julia> println("Ain")

julia> println(Ain)
Array{Complex{Float64},2}[[0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im]]


julia> θ = Array(range(0,stop=2π,length=length(μ)))
441-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> println("θ")

julia> println(θ)
[0.0, 0.01428, 0.0285599, 0.0428399, 0.0571199, 0.0713998, 0.0856798, 0.0999598, 0.11424, 0.12852, 0.1428, 0.15708, 0.17136, 0.18564, 0.19992, 0.214199, 0.228479, 0.242759, 0.257039, 0.271319, 0.285599, 0.299879, 0.314159, 0.328439, 0.342719, 0.356999, 0.371279, 0.385559, 0.399839, 0.414119, 0.428399, 0.442679, 0.456959, 0.471239, 0.485519, 0.499799, 0.514079, 0.528359, 0.542639, 0.556919, 0.571199, 0.585479, 0.599759, 0.614039, 0.628319, 0.642598, 0.656878, 0.671158, 0.685438, 0.699718, 0.713998, 0.728278, 0.742558, 0.756838, 0.771118, 0.785398, 0.799678, 0.813958, 0.828238, 0.842518, 0.856798, 0.871078, 0.885358, 0.899638, 0.913918, 0.928198, 0.942478, 0.956758, 0.971038, 0.985318, 0.999598, 1.01388, 1.02816, 1.04244, 1.05672, 1.071, 1.08528, 1.09956, 1.11384, 1.12812, 1.1424, 1.15668, 1.17096, 1.18524, 1.19952, 1.2138, 1.22808, 1.24236, 1.25664, 1.27092, 1.2852, 1.29948, 1.31376, 1.32804, 1.34232, 1.3566, 1.37088, 1.38516, 1.39944, 1.41372, 1.428, 1.44228, 1.45656, 1.47084, 1.48512, 1.4994, 1.51368, 1.52796, 1.54224, 1.55652, 1.5708, 1.58508, 1.59936, 1.61364, 1.62792, 1.6422, 1.65648, 1.67076, 1.68504, 1.69932, 1.7136, 1.72788, 1.74216, 1.75644, 1.77072, 1.785, 1.79928, 1.81356, 1.82784, 1.84212, 1.8564, 1.87068, 1.88496, 1.89924, 1.91352, 1.9278, 1.94208, 1.95636, 1.97064, 1.98492, 1.9992, 2.01348, 2.02776, 2.04204, 2.05632, 2.0706, 2.08488, 2.09916, 2.11344, 2.12772, 2.14199, 2.15627, 2.17055, 2.18483, 2.19911, 2.21339, 2.22767, 2.24195, 2.25623, 2.27051, 2.28479, 2.29907, 2.31335, 2.32763, 2.34191, 2.35619, 2.37047, 2.38475, 2.39903, 2.41331, 2.42759, 2.44187, 2.45615, 2.47043, 2.48471, 2.49899, 2.51327, 2.52755, 2.54183, 2.55611, 2.57039, 2.58467, 2.59895, 2.61323, 2.62751, 2.64179, 2.65607, 2.67035, 2.68463, 2.69891, 2.71319, 2.72747, 2.74175, 2.75603, 2.77031, 2.78459, 2.79887, 2.81315, 2.82743, 2.84171, 2.85599, 2.87027, 2.88455, 2.89883, 2.91311, 2.92739, 2.94167, 2.95595, 2.97023, 2.98451, 2.99879, 3.01307, 3.02735, 3.04163, 3.05591, 3.07019, 3.08447, 3.09875, 3.11303, 3.12731, 3.14159, 3.15587, 3.17015, 3.18443, 3.19871, 3.21299, 3.22727, 3.24155, 3.25583, 3.27011, 3.28439, 3.29867, 3.31295, 3.32723, 3.34151, 3.35579, 3.37007, 3.38435, 3.39863, 3.41291, 3.42719, 3.44147, 3.45575, 3.47003, 3.48431, 3.49859, 3.51287, 3.52715, 3.54143, 3.55571, 3.56999, 3.58427, 3.59855, 3.61283, 3.62711, 3.64139, 3.65567, 3.66995, 3.68423, 3.69851, 3.71279, 3.72707, 3.74135, 3.75563, 3.76991, 3.78419, 3.79847, 3.81275, 3.82703, 3.84131, 3.85559, 3.86987, 3.88415, 3.89843, 3.91271, 3.92699, 3.94127, 3.95555, 3.96983, 3.98411, 3.99839, 4.01267, 4.02695, 4.04123, 4.05551, 4.06979, 4.08407, 4.09835, 4.11263, 4.12691, 4.14119, 4.15547, 4.16975, 4.18403, 4.19831, 4.21259, 4.22687, 4.24115, 4.25543, 4.26971, 4.28399, 4.29827, 4.31255, 4.32683, 4.34111, 4.35539, 4.36967, 4.38395, 4.39823, 4.41251, 4.42679, 4.44107, 4.45535, 4.46963, 4.48391, 4.49819, 4.51247, 4.52675, 4.54103, 4.55531, 4.56959, 4.58387, 4.59815, 4.61243, 4.62671, 4.64099, 4.65527, 4.66955, 4.68383, 4.69811, 4.71239, 4.72667, 4.74095, 4.75523, 4.76951, 4.78379, 4.79807, 4.81235, 4.82663, 4.84091, 4.85519, 4.86947, 4.88375, 4.89803, 4.91231, 4.92659, 4.94087, 4.95515, 4.96943, 4.98371, 4.99799, 5.01227, 5.02655, 5.04083, 5.05511, 5.06939, 5.08367, 5.09795, 5.11223, 5.12651, 5.14079, 5.15507, 5.16935, 5.18363, 5.19791, 5.21219, 5.22647, 5.24075, 5.25503, 5.26931, 5.28359, 5.29787, 5.31215, 5.32643, 5.34071, 5.35499, 5.36927, 5.38355, 5.39783, 5.41211, 5.42639, 5.44067, 5.45495, 5.46923, 5.48351, 5.49779, 5.51207, 5.52635, 5.54063, 5.55491, 5.56919, 5.58347, 5.59775, 5.61203, 5.62631, 5.64059, 5.65487, 5.66915, 5.68343, 5.69771, 5.71199, 5.72627, 5.74055, 5.75483, 5.76911, 5.78339, 5.79767, 5.81195, 5.82623, 5.84051, 5.85479, 5.86907, 5.88335, 5.89763, 5.91191, 5.92619, 5.94047, 5.95475, 5.96903, 5.98331, 5.99759, 6.01187, 6.02615, 6.04043, 6.05471, 6.06899, 6.08327, 6.09755, 6.11183, 6.12611, 6.14039, 6.15467, 6.16895, 6.18323, 6.19751, 6.21179, 6.22607, 6.24035, 6.25463, 6.26891, 6.28319]



julia> Force = 0 .* exp.(1im.*θ)
441-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im

julia> Force .= Force .- 1im .* Ain[1] .*exp(1im .*σ)
ERROR: UndefVarError: σ not defined
 [1] top-level scope at none:0

julia> println("Force")

julia> println(Force)
Complex{Float64}[0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 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0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im, 0.0-0.0im]
gregmoille commented 1 year ago

Thanks that’s help but I asked you to set σ=0 to see what’s up with the Force term and use Ain[1] as this is the point where an error was spit in your first post. We need to reproduce the error, as close as possible and somehow I suspect Ain is guilty.

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

Sorry about that - yes, it looks like there's some issue on that line.

fpmp = sim["f_pmp"]
1×1 Array{Float64,2}:

julia> print(length(fpmp))
julia> μ_sim = sim["mu_sim_center"]
2×1 Array{Int32,2}:

julia> μ = collect(μ_sim[1]:μ_sim[2])
441-element Array{Int32,1}:


julia> Ain = [1im*zeros(length(μ),1) for ii in collect(1:length(fpmp))]
1-element Array{Array{Complex{Float64},2},1}:
 [0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; … ; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im]

julia> println("Ain")

julia> println(Ain)
Array{Complex{Float64},2}[[0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im]]


julia> θ = Array(range(0,stop=2π,length=length(μ)))
441-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> println("θ")

julia> println(θ)
[0.0, 0.01428, 0.0285599, 0.0428399, 0.0571199, 0.0713998, 0.0856798, 0.0999598, 0.11424, 0.12852, 0.1428, 0.15708, 0.17136, 0.18564, 0.19992, 0.214199, 0.228479, 0.242759, 0.257039, 0.271319, 0.285599, 0.299879, 0.314159, 0.328439, 0.342719, 0.356999, 0.371279, 0.385559, 0.399839, 0.414119, 0.428399, 0.442679, 0.456959, 0.471239, 0.485519, 0.499799, 0.514079, 0.528359, 0.542639, 0.556919, 0.571199, 0.585479, 0.599759, 0.614039, 0.628319, 0.642598, 0.656878, 0.671158, 0.685438, 0.699718, 0.713998, 0.728278, 0.742558, 0.756838, 0.771118, 0.785398, 0.799678, 0.813958, 0.828238, 0.842518, 0.856798, 0.871078, 0.885358, 0.899638, 0.913918, 0.928198, 0.942478, 0.956758, 0.971038, 0.985318, 0.999598, 1.01388, 1.02816, 1.04244, 1.05672, 1.071, 1.08528, 1.09956, 1.11384, 1.12812, 1.1424, 1.15668, 1.17096, 1.18524, 1.19952, 1.2138, 1.22808, 1.24236, 1.25664, 1.27092, 1.2852, 1.29948, 1.31376, 1.32804, 1.34232, 1.3566, 1.37088, 1.38516, 1.39944, 1.41372, 1.428, 1.44228, 1.45656, 1.47084, 1.48512, 1.4994, 1.51368, 1.52796, 1.54224, 1.55652, 1.5708, 1.58508, 1.59936, 1.61364, 1.62792, 1.6422, 1.65648, 1.67076, 1.68504, 1.69932, 1.7136, 1.72788, 1.74216, 1.75644, 1.77072, 1.785, 1.79928, 1.81356, 1.82784, 1.84212, 1.8564, 1.87068, 1.88496, 1.89924, 1.91352, 1.9278, 1.94208, 1.95636, 1.97064, 1.98492, 1.9992, 2.01348, 2.02776, 2.04204, 2.05632, 2.0706, 2.08488, 2.09916, 2.11344, 2.12772, 2.14199, 2.15627, 2.17055, 2.18483, 2.19911, 2.21339, 2.22767, 2.24195, 2.25623, 2.27051, 2.28479, 2.29907, 2.31335, 2.32763, 2.34191, 2.35619, 2.37047, 2.38475, 2.39903, 2.41331, 2.42759, 2.44187, 2.45615, 2.47043, 2.48471, 2.49899, 2.51327, 2.52755, 2.54183, 2.55611, 2.57039, 2.58467, 2.59895, 2.61323, 2.62751, 2.64179, 2.65607, 2.67035, 2.68463, 2.69891, 2.71319, 2.72747, 2.74175, 2.75603, 2.77031, 2.78459, 2.79887, 2.81315, 2.82743, 2.84171, 2.85599, 2.87027, 2.88455, 2.89883, 2.91311, 2.92739, 2.94167, 2.95595, 2.97023, 2.98451, 2.99879, 3.01307, 3.02735, 3.04163, 3.05591, 3.07019, 3.08447, 3.09875, 3.11303, 3.12731, 3.14159, 3.15587, 3.17015, 3.18443, 3.19871, 3.21299, 3.22727, 3.24155, 3.25583, 3.27011, 3.28439, 3.29867, 3.31295, 3.32723, 3.34151, 3.35579, 3.37007, 3.38435, 3.39863, 3.41291, 3.42719, 3.44147, 3.45575, 3.47003, 3.48431, 3.49859, 3.51287, 3.52715, 3.54143, 3.55571, 3.56999, 3.58427, 3.59855, 3.61283, 3.62711, 3.64139, 3.65567, 3.66995, 3.68423, 3.69851, 3.71279, 3.72707, 3.74135, 3.75563, 3.76991, 3.78419, 3.79847, 3.81275, 3.82703, 3.84131, 3.85559, 3.86987, 3.88415, 3.89843, 3.91271, 3.92699, 3.94127, 3.95555, 3.96983, 3.98411, 3.99839, 4.01267, 4.02695, 4.04123, 4.05551, 4.06979, 4.08407, 4.09835, 4.11263, 4.12691, 4.14119, 4.15547, 4.16975, 4.18403, 4.19831, 4.21259, 4.22687, 4.24115, 4.25543, 4.26971, 4.28399, 4.29827, 4.31255, 4.32683, 4.34111, 4.35539, 4.36967, 4.38395, 4.39823, 4.41251, 4.42679, 4.44107, 4.45535, 4.46963, 4.48391, 4.49819, 4.51247, 4.52675, 4.54103, 4.55531, 4.56959, 4.58387, 4.59815, 4.61243, 4.62671, 4.64099, 4.65527, 4.66955, 4.68383, 4.69811, 4.71239, 4.72667, 4.74095, 4.75523, 4.76951, 4.78379, 4.79807, 4.81235, 4.82663, 4.84091, 4.85519, 4.86947, 4.88375, 4.89803, 4.91231, 4.92659, 4.94087, 4.95515, 4.96943, 4.98371, 4.99799, 5.01227, 5.02655, 5.04083, 5.05511, 5.06939, 5.08367, 5.09795, 5.11223, 5.12651, 5.14079, 5.15507, 5.16935, 5.18363, 5.19791, 5.21219, 5.22647, 5.24075, 5.25503, 5.26931, 5.28359, 5.29787, 5.31215, 5.32643, 5.34071, 5.35499, 5.36927, 5.38355, 5.39783, 5.41211, 5.42639, 5.44067, 5.45495, 5.46923, 5.48351, 5.49779, 5.51207, 5.52635, 5.54063, 5.55491, 5.56919, 5.58347, 5.59775, 5.61203, 5.62631, 5.64059, 5.65487, 5.66915, 5.68343, 5.69771, 5.71199, 5.72627, 5.74055, 5.75483, 5.76911, 5.78339, 5.79767, 5.81195, 5.82623, 5.84051, 5.85479, 5.86907, 5.88335, 5.89763, 5.91191, 5.92619, 5.94047, 5.95475, 5.96903, 5.98331, 5.99759, 6.01187, 6.02615, 6.04043, 6.05471, 6.06899, 6.08327, 6.09755, 6.11183, 6.12611, 6.14039, 6.15467, 6.16895, 6.18323, 6.19751, 6.21179, 6.22607, 6.24035, 6.25463, 6.26891, 6.28319]



julia> Force = 0 .* exp.(1im.*θ)
441-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im
 0.0 - 0.0im

julia> Force .= Force .- 1im .* Ain[1] .*exp(1im .*0)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("cannot broadcast array to have fewer dimensions")
 [1] check_broadcast_shape(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}) at .\broadcast.jl:454
 [2] check_broadcast_shape(::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64},Base.OneTo{Int64}}) at .\broadcast.jl:457
 [3] check_broadcast_axes(::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, ::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Complex{Int64},Array{Complex{Float64},2}}},Complex{Float64}}}) at .\broadcast.jl:459
 [4] check_broadcast_axes at .\broadcast.jl:463 [inlined]
 [5] instantiate at .\broadcast.jl:258 [inlined]
 [6] materialize!(::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, ::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(-),Tuple{Array{Complex{Float64},1},Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2},Nothing,typeof(*),Tuple{Complex{Int64},Array{Complex{Float64},2}}},Complex{Float64}}}}}) at .\broadcast.jl:756
 [7] top-level scope at none:0

julia> println("Force")

julia> println(Force)
Complex{Float64}[0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 0.0+0.0im, 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gregmoille commented 1 year ago

I have no idea what's going on! Kind of not making sense as all the dimensions are correct... do you mind sending me the h5 file to my email address so I can have a closer look at what's going on? Might be faster than back and forth checking at the log.

tristanmelton commented 1 year ago

Sure - I'll do that now.

Thank you so much for your help!!

I have sent off the file to your email in your Github profile.

gregmoille commented 1 year ago

Closing the issue, as turns out the version of Julia is important and working with >1.8 fixes it