Open arvebratt opened 2 years ago
+1 Facing the same issue, types have MaterialUi 4.x as peer dependency
Running into the same problem.
I also have the same problem. What needs to be done? submit an issue to DefinitelyTyped?
what would it take to migrate this lib to Typescript... then we don't need to chaise DefinitelyTyped on each change.
As temporary workarounds : I have managed to workaround this by styling MUI's native Table (MuiTable, MuiTableBody etc..) instead, seems like MuiDataTable inherits style classes from it, with some adjustments managed to get the style I wanted.
You could also ignore the typing on the createTheme()
here's a snippet for making the custom components work
import { ComponentsOverrides } from '@mui/material';
declare module '@mui/material/styles' {
interface ComponentNameToClassKey {
| 'root'
| 'contentWrapper'
| 'data'
| 'dragCursor'
| 'fixedHeader'
| 'hintIconAlone'
| 'hintIconWithSortIcon'
| 'mypopper'
| 'sortAction'
| 'sortActive'
| 'sortLabelRoot'
| 'toolButton'
| 'tooltip';
| 'root'
| 'caption'
| 'liveAnnounce'
| 'paper'
| 'responsiveScroll'
| 'tableRoot'
| 'responsiveBase'; // not sure it's there
| 'root'
| 'actions'
| 'filterCloseIcon'
| 'filterPaper'
| 'fullWidthActions'
| 'fullWidthLeft'
| 'fullWidthRoot'
| 'fullWidthTitleText'
| 'icon'
| 'iconActive'
| 'left'
| 'searchIcon'
| 'titleRoot'
| 'titleText';
interface Components<Theme = unknown> {
MUIDataTableHeadCell?: {
styleOverrides?: ComponentsOverrides<Theme>['MUIDataTableHeadCell'];
MUIDataTable?: {
styleOverrides?: ComponentsOverrides<Theme>['MUIDataTable'];
MUIDataTableToolbar?: {
styleOverrides?: ComponentsOverrides<Theme>['MUIDataTableToolbar'];
Expected Behavior
The latest version of DefinitelyTyped/mui-datatables uses
This is an issue if you want to use MUI5, mui-datatables and DefinitelyTyped together since @material-ui/core and @mui/material can not be dependencies in the same project.
Current Behavior
In DefinitelyTyped/mui-datatables package.json { "private": true, "dependencies": { "@material-ui/core": "^4.11.3", -> @mui/material "@material-ui/types": "5.1.0" -> @mui/types } }
Your Environment