gregorej / vala-intellij-plugin

Vala language support plugin for Intellij
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Vala SDK Setup #52

Open neumann89 opened 8 years ago

neumann89 commented 8 years ago

Hello, how can I set up a project correctly?

After installing JDK8, I could install this plugin (your last release version). Then I created an "Empy Project" with an empty module and added a "Vala File". But after that I have to set a directory for "Vala SDK". I installed vala in the normal way via package manager and I have binaries in /usr/bin and libraries in /usr/lib etc. Do I need to download an additional sdk or something? If I choose any directory, "/usr/lib" for example, I get an error message "Could not create Vala SDK: /usr/lib/.version ...".

A simple tutorial in your would be great, thanks :)

gregorej commented 8 years ago

To be honest I installed vala from sources so I assumed the directory structure that is present there. I did not try to use vala installed via apt. I think of you download vala sources, compile and install in into some directory on your own the plugin should work.

I agree though that the plugin should work also with vala downloaded via package manager. Something I will need to work on.

neumann89 commented 8 years ago

Ok thank you. It works with downloaded vala sources and setting this as Vala SDK directory.

The next question after this is: How to compile and run the project from IntelliJ? I can compile the project, but in only copies vala files to an "out" directory. In the run configuration dialog I can only choose Java and other installed plugins. Is there already a working configuration?

gregorej commented 8 years ago

The plugin is in the very early stage of development so compiling and running from Intellij are not supported yet.

nmelnick commented 8 years ago

That is one of the potentially intriguing things about CLion support is the cmake integration...

activey commented 8 years ago

@gregorej let's do this integration with Valder at last ;)

gregorej commented 8 years ago

@activey I remember about it. I need to have some more time and also there are some fixes waiting... But you can help if you want :)

activey commented 8 years ago

Spare time is a very rare resource lately ;)