Open olivierberten opened 3 years ago
I think that the automatic eol custos should be suppressed in this instance as the clef-change custos already provides the necessary information. Is that what you'd want?
Well... I thought the custo was wrong but I just realize the actual bug is the whole second line is shifted down by half a line (except for the clef)... It's been fixed on Gregobase because the gabc code wasn't really optimal but it might be worth checking how this happened...
the whole second line is shifted down by half a line (except for the clef)
Huh? Can you post a full MWE so that I can see this?
% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\gabcsnippet{(f3) be(gihh)rá(iv//hjIHhf/hih)ti(hv//hhh//hv//hhh) (,) su(f)mus.(f/hhhf/hhh/fgf) (z0)(::) <sp>V/</sp> 1.(c3) Ni(fe)si(ef) quod(fh) Dó(hhhhihivHGhhhf;hhhf/hhiv,hjIHhvGF)mi(f)nus(fhffe) (;) e(fhhhhhihi)rat(f) (;) in(fe~) no(ef)bis,(fhFE,f/hhh/fgFEfgffe) (:) di(bd)cat(dfe) nunc(ef) (;) }
In case it's of any use: it happens on the second pass.
It's not the notes that are being pushed down, it's the staff lines (which include the clef) which are being pushed up (along with the lyrics on the line above, and all content on the line below). There must be an error in the automatic line height adjustment algorithm so that the notes are seeing the same vertical adjustment as everything else.
Idea on what might be happening: The custos before the bar lines is the lowest element of the top staff and thus should be setting the line height settings. However, because it's part of a clef change, it's inside a discretionary which may be effecting the timing of its line height settings so that they are applying differently to the stafflines (and clef, both of which are inside the \localleftbox
) and the notes (whose height adjustments are read in from the aux file, having been written there by the post_linebreak_filter
on the previous pass).
This is fixable by replacing (z0)(::) <sp>V/</sp> 1.(c3)
with (z0::c3) <sp>V/</sp> 1.
This is how the tutorial website indicates a clef change should be made, and has the additional benefit of allowing the V/-symbol to appear on the following line, where it truly belongs.
Placing the V/-symbol (or anything else) between the forced custos and the new clef seems to be causing of the issue. is now fixed.