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gabc <c> tag not working with { } for setting syllable in chant text. #1551

Closed leduc006 closed 2 years ago

leduc006 commented 2 years ago


Thanks again for a magnificent piece of software!

This is not the most earth-shattering problem, but the following example struck me as unexpected behavior. The last syllable in the second example is not colored red.

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex \documentclass{article}



\gabcsnippet{(c4) Nar(c)ra(egf)bo(f.) (::) }

\gabcsnippet{(c4) Nar(c)ra(egf){bo}(f.) (::) }


leduc006 commented 2 years ago

Sorry - forgot to say I run TeX Live 2021 with Gregorio TeX 6.0 on an ancient Mac running High Sierra 10.13.6.

rpspringuel commented 2 years ago

There are no <c> tags on the provided examples.

Sent with GitHawk

leduc006 commented 2 years ago

weird. I cut and paste from my .tex file, and they disappeared. Maybe got swallowed as html by the web page email form when I entered?

Anyway, they should be between (c4) and Nar and then a closing one after (f.) in each example.

Trying to attach the .tex file as a .txt file because the attachment mechanism here does not seem to support dragging and dropping .tex files.


henryso commented 2 years ago

I ran your mwe using TexLive 2021 with the TexLive-packaged gregorio on my Linux-based computer, and I get red words. Can you provide any other information, like how you run lualatex (from some editor?) or perhaps your log file?

leduc006 commented 2 years ago


I run TeXLive 2021 with the prepackaged gregorio; I just downloaded the file from the attachment I preloaded above and ran it and I still get one black syllable at the end of the second example.

Further details: I'm running Mac OSX 10.13.6, so could not install TeX Live from the prepackaged binaries as my system is too old. Instead I used the "unix install" script, which seems to work otherwise. I execute the lualatex command from within the TeXShop editor Version 4.66, which I believe is the most recent. In the configuration screen, the editor has a tab that says "Latex" but the % !TEX TS-program = lualatex line should (and appears to) cause the run to employ LuaLaTex. Changing that edit tab to "LuaLaTaX" and clicking the Typeset button a couple of times does not change the result for me.

Log file attached.


leduc006 commented 2 years ago

Oh - and the output pdf. mwe.pdf

henryso commented 2 years ago

OK, I think I better understand the problem now.

henryso commented 2 years ago

It's not just the <c> tag, but apparently all styles.

henryso commented 2 years ago

I think this one is a problem in the gregorio_rebuild_characters function. It's not in gregorio_rebuild_characters. The problem occurs while parsing the score prior to calling this function.

henryso commented 2 years ago

Is there anything preventing the close of this issue?

rpspringuel commented 2 years ago

I don't think so.