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Fine space tuning #736

Closed eroux closed 8 years ago

eroux commented 8 years ago

For the new Antiphonale Monasticum project, some differences in the manuscripts are noted with differences in spacing, for instance f/hoi will be the transcription for a certain neume, while another will be noted by replacing the space with half a space.

The original request was to have the possibility of negative spaces, but I see several:

  1. find a new symbol to denote half a space in gabc, maybe /0
  2. ask people to tune the different spacings in a custom spacing file, using for instance / as half a space, // as a normal space, etc.
  3. use -/, -// and - for negative spaces, in this case f/-/hoi would be ok with -/ tuned to be half a space
  4. completely generic solution: /{1/2} is half a space, /{-3/2} is a negative space of width 3/2 of a normal space, /{2} is a space of twice the normal space, etc.

What do you think?

Edit: I've made a few edits since the initial post...

henryso commented 8 years ago

If the user will need both the current spacing and the negative spacing in the same score, then 1 will not work. The concept of 2 is fine, but using - (alone) here would conflict with initio debilis, so we'd need another notation. The concept of 3 is neat as well, but the notation conflicts with { and } used for polyphony (who still uses polyphony?). Perhaps use /[...] here? Also, shouldn't we be consistent with 1/2 and -3/2 or 1:2 and -3:2?

eroux commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I've made a few edits so your comment is off by one index, but I'll answer:

henryso commented 8 years ago

Using your new numbers, for 3, -/ is not a problem, but you suggest using -/, -//, and -. The - alone would conflict with initio debilis.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Oh, sorry, markdown ate my space, what I meant was -[space]

eroux commented 8 years ago

As the half space is significant here in terms of gregorian chant, I think it would be good to add /0, but maybe adding point 4 would be good too, for edge cases... So a combination of 1 and 4 is what I think would be best...

henryso commented 8 years ago

I agree with doing both 1 and 4.

rpspringuel commented 8 years ago

I agree with that proposal.

eschwab commented 8 years ago

This would be very useful. The proposal seems good from a user's perspective.

rpspringuel commented 8 years ago

It occurred to me that at least for the purposes of documentation, it would be useful to establish equivalencies between the "shortcut" notation, and the explicit notation. Something like:

or whatever the actual numbers are.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Well, they are not really equivalent:


which can be different (and are different in gsp-default), and I think we can keep things this way, the spaces have different meanings, and can vary according to taste. I don't think the fraction spaces should be used frequently (if at all) except for edge cases...

By the way, what about the possibility to have floats? like /[1.6] (instead of /[16/10])

rpspringuel commented 8 years ago

I understand that, but what if (arbitrary example with arbitrary numbers) someone decides they want 3/2 of largerspace? Will //[3/2] be valid syntax? If not, then it would be useful in the documentation to explicate that // produces the same amount of space as /[2] so that the user in this situation could then realize that the correct syntax for the amount of space they want is /[3].

Obviously these equivalencies would only apply to gsp-default. If the user custom tunes halfspace, interelementspace, largerspace, or glyphspace then the equivalencies would no longer apply (and the documentation could say as much).

eroux commented 8 years ago

I didn't think about //[3/2], but I think it should be parsed as / then /[3/2]... What do you think?

In gsp-default, the ratio between interelementspace and largerspace is around 1.579, it's a bit odd, but yes, we can document the equivalences of the default values in the documentation.

henryso commented 8 years ago

Actually / is interglyphspace, but that doesn't change anything else you are saying.

See question below.

henryso commented 8 years ago

I'd rather take floats than fractions in the /[...] notation.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Ok, TeX's primitive multiply also takes float, so it should be fairly simple

rpspringuel commented 8 years ago

I didn't think about //[3/2], but I think it should be parsed as / then /[3/2]... What do you think?

I agree with this interpretation.

henryso commented 8 years ago

What is interglyphspace? It seems to be the same as interelementspace with a smaller "plus".

eroux commented 8 years ago

Gregorio used to have a clear distinction between glyphs and elements, and interglyphspace was certainly used between glyphs of the same element, but now this distinction is quite blur, so I don't think it's used anymore, except in very rare cases... but I admit I cannot remember well...

henryso commented 8 years ago

It seems we have a zerowidthspace but it doesn't seem like \GreEndOfGlyph{3}{...} is using it. Should it be?

eroux commented 8 years ago

if gabc ! converts to \GreEndOfGlyph{3}{...} then I think so yes

henryso commented 8 years ago

For custom spaces, should stretch ("plus") and shrink ("minus") be scaled by the provided factor, or just the width?

henryso commented 8 years ago

In the pull request, I only scaled the width part of the glue and not the stretch or shrink. Let me know if I should do something different.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot! The space looks perfect! I can't decide about scaling the stretch or shrink... so if there is no objection, we can merge like this.

I believe the half space is really useful, but it's kind of difficult to explain, let me try (as it might lead in changes in the code):

initially there was a strong differenciation between glyphs and elements, one element being several glyphs separated by some small space. The problem is that it never has been possible to differentiate them in gabc. Let's take the example of the tests in your PR:

but it's not possible to have two podatus in the same element separated by interglyphspace, and having the third case (two podatus in the same element, separated by a space) was previously impossible. I never noticed that...

So maybe \0 should in fact be the separator for glyphs in the same element, and output an interglyphspace (which would have the width halfspace currently have)... I'm not really sure as it would change the spacing in many scores, but the old spacing could be done again with fgh/ifor instance... I'm not really sure about that, What do you think?

henryso commented 8 years ago

If I'm understanding this, I see two ways of going about it:

  1. We change interglyphspace to be the same as halfspace and put instructions in that the user can use / for an ad-hoc change or redefine interglyphspace back to the old value for the old behavior.
  2. We don't change anything and advise the user to redefine interglyphspace to the size of halfspace should they desire the alternate behavior.

Which way depends on whether the halfspace-sized interglyphspace is more "correct" in a chant score (if so we would choose number 1). I don't know which is more correct, so I will defer to you. If you feel the halfspace-sized interglyphspace is more "correct", I will make the change in #738.

eroux commented 8 years ago

I think option 1 is the good one, but I'm not 100% sure (I've asked a contact about this). I was thinking about renaming halfspace into interglyphspace but it's probably too hard, so here is another proposal:

What do you think?

henryso commented 8 years ago

It seems funny to release an immediately deprecated feature, so if you want to do this, then I would simply change interglyphspace to the size of halfspace, remove halfspace, and have /0 use interglyphspace. This would require a note in should the user prefer the old behavior of interglyphspace. What do you think?

eroux commented 8 years ago

If there's no disagreement, I think it's a good solution yes

eroux commented 8 years ago

Also, maybe /0 could be at glyph level (with glyphs before and after being inside the same element) in the code, but that's not really top priority...

henryso commented 8 years ago

The code makes some assumptions about spaces that are at the glyph level, so it might be a little tricky, but I'll try.

henryso commented 8 years ago

If /0 is at the glyph level, this implies that it's not breakable (i.e., there would be no need for !/0 as the ! is implied). I don't see a problem with this, given your definition, but I just wanted to be sure before I make such a change.

eroux commented 8 years ago

I think it's fine...

henryso commented 8 years ago

I've made the requested change. Please review. Obviously, a number of test expectations change because of this.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Hmm sorry, I didn't realize so many spaces would be impacted... I think we can keep /0 at glyph level but differenciate halfspace and interglyphspace, otherwise the changes in previous scores will be too big... Sorry!

henryso commented 8 years ago

I've made the requested change. Please review. The only test expectations that change now are due to making "/0" a glyph-level space.

eroux commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot! ok for me